Tuesday, October 6, 2015

What's new in View Component : ASP.NET MVC 6

There are lots of new features added with ASP.NET MVC 6 and View components is one of them.  In this blog post we are going to learn about View Component in ASP.NET MVC 6 in detail.

What is View Components and how it is different from partial views:

As per ASP.NET official web site
New to ASP.NET MVC 6, view components (VCs) are similar to partial views, but they are much more powerful. VCs include the same separation-of-concerns and testability benefits found between a controller and view. You can think of a VC as a mini-controller
So the first question comes in our mind is why we need a View Component as all? As partial views are there and its serving its purpose very well.  But if you have worked with partial views you know that there is a limitation for partial views you can not have controller associated with it. You have to use Child actions with partial views and as you now when you mark any actions with child actions it will only allow for child you can not use that as a complete action. Also it will make a extra server trip which could make your application slow if you have a very complex view.  That where View Component can help.  It's contains a view and backing class It's not a 100% controller but it acts like a controller.

Let's create a View component that can be reused at multiple places. Think about a ECommerce application where you have multiple product categories which can be displayed multiple places in ECommerce application. We are going to create a view component that will list multiple categories.

How to create View Component in ASP.NET MVC 6 Application:

So to create a View component we need a ASP.NET 5 ASP.NET MVC 6 application. So have created web application from Visual Studio 2015.


Then created a model class category for storing categories information.
namespace ViewComponentMVC.Models
    public class Category
        public int CategoryId { get; set; } 
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
Then created a View component with following code.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc;
using ViewComponentMVC.Models;

namespace ViewComponentMVC
    [ViewComponent(Name = "ProductCategoriesComponent")]
    public class CategoryViewComponent : ViewComponent
        public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
           var categories = new List<Category>()
               new Category {CategoryId = 1, Name = "Clothes",Description = "Men and women's clothes"},
               new Category {CategoryId = 2, Name = "Elentronics", Description = "Eletronics"}
            return View(categories);

Here there are three things to notice

  1. I have inherited class from ViewComponent from Microsoft.AspNet.MVC name space
  2. I have created a invoke method which will return data for the view. In our case we have created manual list as we don't need database for this example. But you can write any code for the same.
  3. See view component attribute on the top of class. We need to use same name when call this view component.
Now it's time to create a view for the view component. I have created this component under /Views/Home/Components/ProductCategoriesComponent/default.html as we have given same name in attribute. As this view component is used home/index.cshml I have putted there but if you have generic view than you can put that in share component also. Following is a code for the same. A simple ul-li listing.
@model IEnumerable<Category>
   @foreach (var category in Model)
       <li>@category.Name </li>
Now it's time to use this view component in one of view. I have putted following code in Views/Home/Index.cshtml.
When you run this application, It will look like following in browser


So you can see how our hard code categories renders under view. Even you can passed argument with view component invocation that we will see in future blog post.
You can find complete source code of this application at following location on github- https://github.com/dotnetjalps/ViewComponentMVC6
Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!!
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Routing with UI-Router and Angular.js

In Today's world, Angular.js is one of best JavaScript framework available to create Single page applications. It's provides some great features and with the help of this features we can built great interactive apps. In any single page application routing is very important as in most of the time single page application will not have full post backs. So routing will be very important to give feel like normal page application and sometimes proper routing will increase search engine ranking also.

So in this blog post we are going to learn how we can create routes in Angular.js application with help of UI-Router.

What is UI-Router:

UI-Router is a routing frame work created Angular.js team and its not a part of Angular.js But it built on top of Angular.js. You can say it's a 3rd-Party module and is very powerful. It support most of things that we can do with ng-route and also do many other stuff that is not possible with ng-route.
You can find more information about UI-Router at following link.


Here are few features that is provided by UI-Router.
  1. UI-Router allows nested views and multiple views
  2. It allows you to strong type linking between state based on state names.
  3. State allows you to map and access different information about different states and you can easily pass information between states via $Stateparams parameter.
  4. With states approach your views are not tied to the URL and it is tied to states. Which can be very useful in large applications as you can change UI part without changing URLs.
  5. You can also change Partial UI of application which is not possible with ng-route.

So what are we waiting for let's create a sample application with UI-Router and Angular.js.

Sample application with UI-Router:

I'm going to use visual studio for creating this sample application. So that we can use IIS local express to host this application. I'm going to create asp.net web application.


We are going to use empty asp.net web forms application as we are not going to use asp.net code here it's a simple HTML page application to demonstrate the power of UI-Router.

We are going to create sample application with 3 pages.
  1. Home
  2. About Us
  3. Contact Us

So for that we need three html pages which will acts as partial views just like ASP.NET MVC partial views or user control in ASP.NET Web Forms.
I'm going to create a very basic HTML pages with following code.
home.html page code:
About Us HTML page code:
<h1>About us page</h1>
Contact Us HTML page code:
<h1>contact us </h1>
And now we are going create index.html and following is a code for that.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Angular UI Router Demo</title>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.4.6/angular.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-ui-router/0.2.15/angular-ui-router.min.js"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
<body ng-app="routerDemoApp">
    <ul >
        <li><a ui-sref="home">Home</a></li>
        <li><a ui-sref="aboutus">About us</a></li>
        <li><a ui-sref="contactus">Contact us</a></li>
    Angualr UI Router Demo
    <div ui-view></div>
If you see above code you can see I have added angular.js and angular-ui-router-min.js JavaScript files from the cloud flare CDN and then I have created a ng-app "routerDemoApp" with body tag of html page. I have used UL and Li ta and UI-Sref to create link for our routes. Here also notice ui-view tag in one of div where html pages will be rendered in this div.

So now basic infrastructure is ready now its time to create JavaScript code for our application. So lets create app.js file and write code like following.
// JavaScript source code
var routerDemoApp = angular.module('routerDemoApp', ['ui.router']);

routerDemoApp.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


        .state('home', {
            url: '/home',
            templateUrl: 'home.html'
        .state('aboutus', {
            url: '/aboutus',
            templateUrl: 'aboutus.html'
        .state('contactus', {
            url: '/contactus',
            templateUrl: 'contactus.html'

So if you see above code carefully, Here I have created a angular app module called routerDemoApp and I have injected dependency of UI-Router. Then in config function we have created different states for Home, About Us and Contact Us. You can see I have passed two parameter url and template url for each state with respective html pages. Also I have written otherwise function which will return home state by default.

Now let's run this application in browser.


So by default Home page is loaded as you can see and in URL also you have /home now when you click on About us it will load about us page like following.


So it's very easy to create routing with Angular UI-Router in future post we will see how we can use nested view and multiple view.
You can find complete source code of this application at github on- https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AngularUIRouter
Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
Friday, October 2, 2015

Convert C# Object into JSON and vice versa using Jil

I have also written couple of posts about converting C# object into JSON and vice versa. Following is a list of post for the same.

Converting a C# Object into JSON string
How to convert C# object into JSON string with JSON.NET

In this blog post we will learn about how we can convert C# object into JSON with Jil- Fast .NET JSON (De)Serializer, Built On Sigil an open source library by stack exchange team.

What is Jil:

Jil is a open source (De) Serializer library written by Kevin Montrose and stack exchange team. It is built on Sigil- with a number of crazy optimization tricks.Sigil is also a custom fast validation helper for .NET CIL Generation. Jil is one of fastest Serializer and deserializer library. It is also open source. You can find more information about at following link.



So let's create example which demonstrate both Serializing and Deserializing object. So first we will create JSON string from C# object via serializing with Jil and then we again deserialize that string to C# object. I'm going to create a console application for this.


After creating a application first thing we have to do is to add Nuget package from JIl via following command.


I'm going to use a Employee class for this example which have four properties Employee Id, First Name, Last Name and Designation.
namespace CsharpJSON
    public class Employee
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string Designation { get; set; }
Then I have created a function Get Employee function to initialize Employee class with some data.
private static Employee GetEmployee()
    var employee = new Employee
        EmployeeId = 1,
        FirstName = "Jalpesh",
        LastName = "Vadgama",
        Designation = "Technial Architect"
    return employee;
Now it's time to serialize that employee class into JSON string so I have created  Serialize Employee function.
private static string SerializeEmployee(Employee employee)
    using (var output = new StringWriter())
        return output.ToString();
Here you can see I have use JSON.Serialize function which serialize C# object into string writer. Same way I have created Deserialize Employee function to deserialize JSON string created by previous function.
private static Employee DeserializeEmployee(string employeeString)
    return JSON.Deserialize<Employee>(employeeString);

Here you can see I have used  JSON. Deserialize function to convert JSON string into C# object. Finally I have called this function in my console application Main method and print it with Console.Writeline method.
static void Main(string[] args)
    var employee = GetEmployee();
    string employeeSerializedString = SerializeEmployee(employee);

    Console.WriteLine("Serialize Employee");

    Console.WriteLine("\n\nDeserializing Employee");
    var employeeDeserialized = DeserializeEmployee(employeeSerializedString);



Now when you run application it will generate output like following.


You can find complete source code of this application at following location on GitHub- https://github.com/dotnetjalps/CsharpJsonJil

Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!

A Better Solution to create PDF with Rotativa and ASP.NET MVC

In most of the line of business application we need some kind of reports. Now days we need those reports as PDF format as it is the most convenient way of storing documents. I have written a post about creating a PDF in ASP.NET MVC with Razor PDF and it is one of the top visited page on my blog.

Creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC and RazorPDF

But now I have found a better way to create a PDF with ASP.NET MVC so I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post about it. So in this blog post we are going to learn about creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC with the use of Rotativa as open source framework for creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC.

What is Rotativa:

It is a framework created by Giorgio Bozio with the purpose of creating PDF in ASP.NET MVC extremely easy way. It is based on wkhtmltopdf tool to create PDF from html content rendered on browser. It uses the web kit engine which is used by Safari and Chrome browser to render html. And support most of HTML tags and styles. It is a open source command line tools so Giogio has created a nuget package to use this tool as PDF creator. You can find more information about Rotativa from the following links.


You can find source code of rotativa-


Now let's create example to demonstrate the power of Rotativa with ASP.NET MVC

Creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC and Rotativa:

So to create example, I have created a ASP.NET MVC application.


The first thing we need to do is to add Rotativa Nuget Package in our application.

Here is the model class I have used to demonstrate power or Rotativa.
namespace MvcPdf.Models
    public class Customer
        public int CustomerId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string ProfileImage { get; set; }
In this example, we are not going to use any database so we are going to hardcode data in customer. so We have done is hardcode list of customer in controller and returning it to a view.
using MvcPdf.Models;
using Rotativa;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace MvcPdf.Controllers
    public class CustomerController : Controller
        private List<Customer> _customers;

        public CustomerController()
            var imagePath = "profile.jpg";
            _customers = new List<Customer>()
                new Customer {CustomerId = 1, FirstName = "Jalpesh",
                               LastName = "Vadgama", ProfileImage = imagePath},
                new Customer {CustomerId = 1, FirstName = "Vishal", 
                               LastName = "Vadgama", ProfileImage = imagePath}

        // GET: Customer
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View(_customers);

And in view we has displayed this list as table like following.
@model List<MvcPdf.Models.Customer>

    ViewBag.Title = "PDF Title";

<h2>Convert to  PDF</h2>

<table class="table">
        <td class="alert-success">First Name</td>
        <td class="alert-info">Last name</td>
        <td style="background-color: yellow;">Profile Image</td>
    @foreach (var item in Model)

            <td><img src="@Url.Content("~/content/" + Path.GetFileName(item.ProfileImage))" alt="" width="100" height="100" /></td>

@Html.ActionLink("Print", "Print", "Customer")
If you see in above code, I have used a image to display profile pic. I have also used different styles for td element in table to display power of Rotativa. Even I have used hardcoded style directly.  At bottom I have created  Html Action link to print this view as PDF and following is a code the printing this view as PDF in Action Result.
public ActionResult Print()
    return new ActionAsPdf("Index", _customers);
And when we run this application it looks like following.


Now when you click on Print it will create a PDF like following.


This was pretty basic demo but there are lots of options also available with Rotativa you can find that options in documentation on Github as well. I have shared same link above.
You can find source code of this sample application on github at following location - https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AspNetMvcPdfRotativa
Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!!

My Interview on Geek.Fest - What's new in C# 6

I have been featured on Geek.Fest a you channel by Fanie Reynders. I have lots of fun while talking about latest C# features. We had interesting discussion and demo of latest c# features. Following is a video on the you tube.

You can find blog from Fanie at following location.

Following is the sample code and demo for the discussion.

Thank you very much Fanie Reynders and Geek.Fest for featuring me.
Friday, September 18, 2015

Why it's the right time to learn TypeScript.

In Today's world, If you are an web developer and you don't know JavaScript then you will feel left behind. It's never been a good time to be a JavaScript developer than now. With the rise of Node.js  JavaScript is everywhere now. But as you know when Size and Complexity of your JavaScript is Increased it's very difficult to maintain and mange. That's where TypeScript comes into picture. It is a life saver some times. So in this blog post we will see Why It's the right time to learn TypeScript.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a free and open sourced programming language developed and Maintained by Microsoft. It works as a super set of JavaScript. As we all know that JavaScript is very liberal language by nature. So that we tend to make more mistakes and we does not know all the errors at run time. TypeScript is a strict super set of JavaScript so that you can get most of errors at compile time only.  As per official website of TypeScript it's a language that lets you write JavaScript in the way you really want to. TypeScript offers all the features that you need for Object oriented programming. You can find more information about TypeScript on it's official web site on below link.


ECMAScript and TypeScript:

ECMAScript is the specification standard of the JavaScript. So right not standard stable version if ECMAScript 5 and some of the browsers support ECMAScript 6. ECMAScript 6 features are being adopted by latest browsers.While TypeScript follows most of syntax of ECMAScript 6 so that you don't have a feel of the learning new language. As per official road map of Typescript 1.6 comes with ES6 Generator so you can convert your script code into ECMAScript6. Your can find more about that on following blog post.


TypeScript is everywhere:

As we know TypeScript is a fully Object Oriented language, It's provide great productivity boosts than JavaScript and it's super set of JavaScript so it will be compiled into JavaScript itself. So because of this lots of great framework started using TypeScript like following.
  1. Angular JS
  2. Iconic Framework for creating frond end mobile App
  3. Native Script from Telerik is also completely written TypeScript itself.
Take a example of AngularJs, It is one of the most popular JavaScript Framework on earth. With Angular.js 2.0 it will be fully written with TypeScript.


Most of Web Development editor whether it's paid or free are having TypeScript tooling.  Most popular editors like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, Atom, Sublime text and Eclipse are having great tooling for TypeScript.

Why to use TypeScript:

Followings are reason why we should use TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
  1. Fully Object Oriented support with classes and interfaces. So It's a great productivity boost for any developer and easily maintainable and understandable.
  2. It's provide most of the errors compile time while JavaScript is more liberal than this. So less run time error means less bugs for your application.
  3. Refactoring is very easy in TypeScript compare to JavaScript.
So it's never been late. It is the right time to learn TypeScript. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Which visual studio themes you use? Interesting Survey

I have been using Visual studio since 2003 version and it's been decade and still my favorite editor. With visual studio 2010 they have introduced blue theme and With Visual Studio 2012 they also introduced a black theme. Lots of people are using lots of different themes. Some people like black themes and some does not. I had always argument with my friends about visual studio themes. So I thought it will be a good idea to get survey about themes and so what I have done is to put a survey on my blog. As you know this blog is technical blog so most of my readers will be developers. So far I have got a interesting data so I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post and share those data with you.

So till now I have got total 124 votes for my survey  and here is the result of the survey till now.


From, the above survey I get following fact.
  1. Lots of people like black themes out of 124 votes I got 49 for black themes. So black theme is most the popular one.
  2. To my surprise light theme comes second which I thought will be a third place but I got 39 votes for that.
This survey is still open for the five days. So if you are new to this blog and still not cast your votes then its right time to do.

Where I can get customize Color themes:

If you need more customized colour  themes than I request you to visit http://studiostyl.es/. It got thousand of customized colour themes.

Visual Studio Theme editor extension:

If you need more option than this three themes and then you should also try visual studio color theme editor extension. It's available from visual studio 2010. Here is the links for different visual studio versions color theme editor extensions.

Visual Studio 2010:

Visual Studio 2012:

Visual Studio 2013:

Visual Studio 2015:

Once you install you will get lots of default color theme choice as well you can customize your theme and save it.


Which color theme I'm using:

Now it's time to write about my personal preferences. It totally depends on the lighting condition where I am using visual studio. If there a lots of light I prefer to use light theme while if it is dark then I like to have dark visual studio theme.

Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more. Still this survey is open for next five days. Please do vote for your favorite themes.

Update on 1st October 2015

Here is the latest update for the survey, the survey are closed now and here is the final result.

Here are the some statistics

Survey period : 1 Month
Total votes so far: 149
Winner : Black

Clearly Black themes are more popular!.

Thank you all who participated on survey!!. Keep reading my blog and participate in this kind of survey
Saturday, August 8, 2015

New milestone achieved- 2 million pages view for my blog - www.dotnetjalps.com

Today, I have came to know that my blog has completed 2 million page views. I am not crazy about milestone and normally I don't share my milestones publicly but this is huge milestone so I'm sharing with you and there is another reason behind it. I want to say huge thank you to all my blog readers. Thank you from bottom of my heart.

I host my blog on blogger.com. So here is the statistics from blogger official statistics.


Till 2010, I have not started tracking page views, But after that I have started tracking page views for my blog and I am almost getting 59k page views every month and approx. 2.5 page views everyday.
Here are the top 10 blog post all time as per blogger statistics.


So once again, Thank you very much dear readers and I promise I continue to write blogs in my free time.

Also, last but not least I would like thank my family specially my wife who sacrifices her time some time as I am busy writing blog post for my blog post. So thank you dear wife!. My brother and father for continue providing all the support and my little rock star from where I get all energy to write blog post.
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Video - Custom Layout in Visual Studio 2015

Recently Microsoft has launched Visual Studio 2015 with loads of features. I have created a video for a feature called custom layouts in Visual Studio 2015. Followings are link for Youtube and Vimeo

Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ4LDZU7c_s
Vimeo- https://vimeo.com/134507008

If you  don't want to watch video then I have already written a blog post. Following is a link for that.

Custom Windows Layout in Visual studio 2015

Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Video - Difference between var and dynamic keyword C#

I have recently produced one video about difference between var and dynamic keyword. Please go through it and let me know how it was.

You can find complete video at following URL.


Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
Sunday, July 19, 2015

SQL Server- Guest Post - Solutions for SQL Server Master Database Corruption

This blog post a Guest Post from one of my friend Priyanka Chouhan.

About Author:

Priyanka Chouhan is a technical writer in “Stellar Data Recovery “with 5 years of experience and has written several articles on SQL. She has the fine knowledge of SharePoint and SQL Server. In the spear time she loves reading and gardening.

Here is the her blog about - Solutions for SQL Server Master Database Corruption

Master database is a backbone of the SQL Server database. It is a must have database and user cannot start the SQL Server without master database. It contains the all information about server configuration. When a user installs a SQL Serverthen, it usually creates master, model, MSDB and TEMPDB system databases by default. MSDB and TEMPDB depend on the version of SQL Server database. All system databases performs the different task like: master database is used to store all system level information, TEMPDB stores the information about temporary tables and temporary stored procedures, model is worked as a template for all system created database and MSDB is used by the SQL Server Agent to schedule alerts and jobs.

Corruption in the master database is not a new thing. I will advise to all database users to take the backup of master database because without master database, SQL Server cannot be started. If corruption is high in the master database then SQL Server does not allow starting the database. In this case user can rebuild it by using command prompt or restore from the latest backup (Scroll down to see detailed information). In case of minor corruption, it might be possible that user may start the database but SQL server does not allow to access the details inside the database.

Restore from the Backup

These are the steps to restore the master database from the backup:
Start SQL Server Configuration Manager then click on the SQL Server Services.
Stop SQL Server Agent (it might connect first and prevent you to connect as a second user).
Right-click SQL Serverandthen click Properties.
Advanced tab, in the Startup Parameters box, insert –mto start the SQL Server in the Single User Mode.
Now Start SQL Server.
Start cmd.exe from start menu
Type SQLCMD on command prompt
Restore the master database using command:
Now remove the startup parameter –m.
Start SQL Server.

This is the best way to fix master database corruption issues. If backup of corrupt master database is not available then user can easily rebuilt it by following below steps.

Rebuild System Database

Rebuild the system database means we are going to drop the re-create in their real location.

Open the command prompt and change the directories to the location of setup.exe file on the local server. Its default location in the server is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Setup Bootstrap\Release.
Enter the following command in the command prompt Setup
Once the rebuild process completes then it returns the command prompt without any message. User can view the Summary.txt log file to verify the process. The default location of theSummary.txt log file is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Setup Bootstrap\Logs.


These are the methods to solve the corruption in the master database. Sometimes antivirus software can be the reason of master database corruption. So read the guidelines here to choose the antivirus https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/309422/en-us

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dependency Injection with Autofac: Keyed Registration

This will going to be a fifth post in my Dependency Injection series with Autofac. If you have not gone through all the previous post of this series then I would like to encourage you to go through it. Following is a list of blog posts.
Dependency Injection with Autofac : Getting Started
Dependency Injection with Autofac : Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection with Autofac : Module Feature
Dependency Injection with Autofac : Registration Ordering
Dependency Injection with Autofac: Named Registration

Keyed Registration:

There are multiple ways of register and resolving type in Autofac and keyed registration is one of them. Just liked named registration here you can resolve a type with a key. That key can be a valid C# object. Let’s create a sample console application for it. I have added reference of Autofac via NuGet package as did in my previous blog post. Following is a Customer class that I’ve created for the Keyed registration demo.

After creating Customer class following is a code that I’ve written for demo of Keyed Registration with Autofac.
If you see above code carefully, You can see that first I have created a object of customer as keyCustomer then I’ve register customer type with that keyCustomer Object.  After that I’ve resolved customer with that keyCustomer object and assigned few properties and then Print that customer with “PrintCustomer” object.
One thing to note that when you register type with Keyed Registration It can not be resolve without it. You can only resolve that type with same key you have registered.
Now when you run this application. You will following output as expected.

That’s it. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!!.
You can find complete source code of this Autofac series on Github at - https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AutofacSamples
Friday, July 3, 2015

Dependency Injection with Autofac : Named Registration

I’m really having fun with Autofac and It is a great IOC container.  As its tag line suggest it it a addictive IOC container.  This post will be a part of Autofac series. If you have not gone through my previous blog post then I would suggest you go through it. Following is a list of blog post I’ve written for Autofac series.

Dependency Injection with Autofac : Getting Started
Dependency Injection with Autofac : Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection with Autofac : Module Feature
Dependency Injection with Autofac : Registration Ordering

Named Registration:

Named registration can be very useful when you have to create multiple object of same type with different states. Autofac provides that functionalities with Named Registration. I’m going to create a sample console application and added Autofac via Nuget package.  To demonstrate named registration I’ve created customer class like following.

Now let’s write some code to create named instance like following.
As you can see in above code, I have created a named registration with build container and then I have resolve the instance with same name which I have done registration for it. Then I populated properties of Customer and Printed that customer with “Print” function.
One thing to note here that when you register types with named instance then it can not be resolved without name. If try to resolve it it will give error.
Now when you run this application. It will print Customer as expected.


That’s it. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
You can find complete source code of  this Autofac series on Github at - https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AutofacSamples
Thursday, July 2, 2015

I’m Microsoft MVP again. Thank you all

Today is one of the great day in my life. I’m again an Microsoft MVP for .NET and I’m happiest person on the earth and proud of it. Today’ I got this award for fourth time. Earlier I got this award for year 2010,2011 and 2012 for Visual C#.

I would like to thank all of you readers for making my blog so much popular. Thank you my family who has sacrificed lot of time for writing blog and other community activities. Also  I would like to Mention few people without their support and encouragement it would not have been possible. So special thanks to Mahesh Dhola, Kaushal Bhavsar, Ahmedabad .NET User group , Biplab Paul  and Gandharv Rawat.

I would also like to thank my current and previous Employers who has providing excellent opportunity to be part of .NET Technology world.


Thank you all!.  Stay tune fore more!!.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dependency Injection with Autofac: Registration Ordering

This post will be part of on going series for Dependency Injection with Autofac. If you have not gone through my previous post I would encourage you to go through it. Followings are links for that.

Dependency Injection with Autofac – Getting Started
Dependency Injection with Autofac – Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection with Autofac- Modules Feature

In this this blog we are going to learn about Registration ordering in Autofac.  If you register same interface multiple times then by default the last registration will be preserved. So when you resolve things it will be resolved by last registration. You can also prevent that via “PreserveExistingDefaults” method which is a second behaviour where first registration will be preserved. We will look both in details in this post.

Registration Ordering:

To demonstrate registration ordering, We are going to create a simple Employee class like below.

After creating a Employee class following is a code for my console application.

If you see code carefully, The important thing is two functions “DefaultBehaviour” and “AnotherBehaviour”. First function I’ve register two employee object one by one then. I tried to resolve employee object and with the help of "PrintEmployee" method I have printed Employee object.  Here I’ve used default behaviour so it will print secondEmployee as last registration will be resolved.

While in “AnotherBehaviour” function, I have used “PreserveExistingDefaults” function while registering secondEmployee object. So it will preserve first registration. So when you resolve object it will resolve first registration. So when you print employee object with “PrintEmployee” method it will print firstEmployee object.

When you run this console application. Following will be output as expected.


That’s it. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
You can find complete source code this Autofac series on Github at - https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AutofacSamples
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dependency Injection with Autofac : Modules feature

I’m having fun with Autofac as IOC containers and this is third post in series. In this blog post we are going to learn about Autofac modules. If you have not gone through first two blog posts then I would encourage you to go through it. Followings are link for that.

Dependency Injection with Autofac- Getting Started
Dependency Injection with Autofac – Constructor Injection

What is Autofac Modules?

Autofac modules provides greater flexibility  for structuring large application. Register all the component in single class will work for small applications. But for larger applications that will be quite difficult class. In this situation Autofac modules can help.  Autofac modules allow us to break registrations of component in different classes. Then later all you can load all the modules at single places.

So what we are waiting for, Let’s write some code to demonstrate the power of Autofac Modules. For that I’ve created a simple console application called “AutofacModules” and added Autofac nuget package to get reference of application. In this application we are going to create two separate module for “Student” and “Teachers”. So lets start by creating student model class like following.

Following is a student repository interface which contains a "Print" Method to print Student.
 And here is the implementation for Student Repository Inteface.

Now it's time to create Teacher model class like following.

Following is a interface created for Teacher repository which contains "Print" Method to print Teacher.
And here is the implementation of Teacher repository interface.
Now we are done with creating basic classes and interfaces for Student and Teacher It's time to create a modules for them. To created a module for them we need to create a separate class for Teacher and Student Module which got inherited from the Autofac module class. Following is a code of Student module.
And same for teacher module.
 If you see code of both classes carefully then you will realize that it is inherited from the Module classes and It's got a Load method override where we have done registration of repositories. Now our modules are also ready so It's time to write our main console application code. Following is a code for that.
If you see above code carefully the important thing is "BuildContainer" method where I've registered our module with RegisterModule method.Rest I have created teacher and student object and created object with Autofac Container and print respective objects. When you run application following is a output as expected.


That’s it. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more post about Autofac features.
You can find whole source code of this Autofac series at Github on following location -https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AutofacSamples
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dependency Injection with Autofac : Constructor Injection

Recently I’m playing with Autofac and I’m having fun with it. This blog post a part of same series. In this blog post we are going to look into how we can do constructor injection with Autofac. If you are not familiar with Autofac you can go through my introductory blog at following location.

Dependency Injection with Autofac: Getting Started

In this blog, We are going to see how we can do constructor injection with Autofac. So for that I’ve created a small console application. After creating a application, first thing you need to do is to add reference of Autofac via Nuget Package. You can do that via following nuget package.

Now it’s time to write some code. I’ve created a sample basic “Employee” model class like following.

After that I’ve created a interface “IEmployeeRepository” which has one method to print employee and expects Employee object parameter.

And following is a implementation class for Employee Repository.

Now it’s time to write Employee Service class code like following.

If you see above class carefully, You can see that it’s expect a constructor parameter of Employee Repository parameter and there we need to constructor injection.  So let’s write some Autofac code for constructor injection like following.

Here in the above code, You can see I have “BuildContainer” static method. Which created a Container Builder object and It’s register type of employee repository and employee service and it’s return a container object. In main method code I’ve resolve employee service class object with container and it’s automatically inject our constructor requirement of employee service class. Then I’ve created a employee class object and print it with print method. Once you run the application. You will get following output as expected.


That’s it. You can see it’s very easy to do constructor injection with Autofac. In future post we are going to look at some other features provided by Autofac. Stay tuned for more.
You can find complete example of above blog post at following location on github- https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AutofacSamples

Dependency injection with Autofac : Getting started

I have been using dependency injection a lot in my projects. As it’s provide great flexibility to wire up things. Recently in free time I have been looking into some of open source architecture like Orchard and Nopcommerce. Both are using Autofac as dependency injector. As this IOC container are used in one of top successful project I got interested in Autofac and I started learning Autofac. I thought it will be a good idea to start a blog series for my learning so other can get benefit of it.

What is Autofac?

As per Autofac.org a site for Autofac
Autofac is an addictive Inversion of Control container for .NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows Store apps, and Windows Phone 8 apps.
It is used in lots of application and one of the most popular IOC container in .NET world.  As per official documentation here is the basic pattern for integrating Autofac in your application.
  • Structure you application with Inversion of Control in mind
  • Add Autofac references( I prefer it using Nuget Package).
  • At application startup create a container builder
  • Register a component
  • Build container and store it for a later use.
  • Create lifetime scope of container during application execution.
  • Use lifetime scope to resolve instances of application.

Autofac Example:

So what we are waiting for, Let’s create a simple example. I’m going to create a sample application like following.


After creating application, I have created a my interface IPrintService as following.
namespace AutoFacBasic
    public interface IPrintService
        void PrintSomething(string text);

Here is the implementation of interface in class like following.
using System;

namespace AutoFacBasic
    public class PrintService : IPrintService
        public void PrintSomething(string text)

Now, We have done with basic stuff so it’s time to wire up component with Autofac. To add references for Autofac I’m going to use following nuget package.


After adding a Autofac reference via nuget package. I have written following code for that sample console application.
using Autofac;
using System;

namespace AutoFacBasic
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //registering interface with class that implemented
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            //Resolving inteface with autofac
            var container = builder.Build();
            var printService = container.Resolve<IPrintService>();
            printService.PrintSomething("Hello World");


Here in the above code, If you see carefully. First I have created a object of Container Builder and then I have register type with print service. Then I have build container builder to get container object. After that I have resolved print service with container and get the object of printer service. Then I have printed Hello world with PrintSomeThing method. When you run application. Here is the output as expected.


That’s it. You can see how easily we can wire up things with Autofac. In future posts we will see some advance features of Autofac. Stay tuned for more!!.

You can find complete source code of this application at following location at github- https://github.com/dotnetjalps/AutofacSamples/
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Completed 725 blog post and still counting

I’m not a fan of counting milestones but today it was huge one so I could not resist myself to write a blog post about it. Today this blog has been completed 725 Blog post.

I still could not believe this blog has come so far!. This will would not have been possible without you guys.

I promise that I try to keep updated this blog in weekly.  Also on this occasion I would also like to thank my family. Specially my wife who is continuously supporting me and sacrifice her time for my blog post.

Thanks you all again! . Also today I have changed my blog theme to a modern look. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more. Keep reading my blog. 
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Double quotes not working with Visual Studio

Recently, In one of the development machine with Windows 7, I was having strange problem with Visual Studio 2013, When I type double quote first time it was not there and then after once again type I type then it was there. I was wondering what is going on. After digging into little deep, We figure out it was due to language settings and that is creating problem. After fixing languages I was able to fix this issue. I thought it will be good idea to write a blog post about it. So other can be benefits also.

So problem I was having is I have to type double quotes two times. To fix that problem first thing you need to do is Goto  control panel-> region and language options. There you need to go to Keyboard tab. In windows 8.1 Go to search and search for language preferences.

Once you go to language preferences select English US Keyboard. Set that as default.
Now once you are done with your control panel settings. It’s time to make settings changes in Visual Studio. To Change the settings in visual studio go to Tools –> Options –> Environment Settings –> International Settings.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Visual Studio 2015 Github tools

I love open source and that’s why I’m making all the source code of my blog post on Github. Now with Visual studio 2015 RC Microsoft and Github released a GitHub tools for visual studio. So now you can directly interact with your Github repositories from team explorer itself. Working with Github never be easy now.

Once you install, Github tools for Visual studio with visual studio 2015 installation. It will be available on Team explorer like below.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

My sample code for 2015 Global Azure Bootcamp Ahmedabad

Lots of people ask for my sample code application for my presentation on “Azure Storage Services”.  So here is source code(Sample application) for 2015 Global Azure Bootcamp, Ahmedabad.

Source code of sample application for  2015 Global Azure Bootcamp , Ahmedabad:

You can find source of sample application which I have created at following location on GitHub.

Azure Frequently Ask Questions: How to create a storage account with new portal

After presenting About Azure Storage Services at Global Windows Azure boot camp at Ahmedabad. I got lot of feedback and questions. One of the frequently asked question was how we can create a storage account with new Azure portal Preview. So I thought it would be a great idea to write a walk through post for it.

As you know, Before few months Microsoft has launched a new Azure portal in preview mode. It’s amazing there are lots of features available. You can find azure portal at portal.azure.com. You can do lots of stuff and monitoring that were not possible with current portal. I've tried and really like it. Please do try it and tell community about your feedback.

How to create a storage account with new azure portal:

So what we are waiting for let’s start our walk through of creating a storage account with new portal. So once you put url in browser it will be ask for login with your azure live account.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Structure and Operator overloading in C#

Recently I have been playing with structure and It’s fun. In this blog post we are going to learn how we can use operator overloading with structure in C#.  You can find my blog post that I have already written about structure  at following location.

Structure in C#
Structure with constructor in C#
Structure with Interface in C#

So as usual I've created a console application to demonstrate operator overloading in C#. Here I have created a structure with equals operator overloading and following is a code for that.

Structure with Interface in C#

Recently I have been playing with Structure and it is fun. I have written couple of blog post about structure. Following are links for that.

Structure in C#
Structure with constructor in C#

In this blog post we are going to learn how we can use structure with interface. So like earlier example I’ve created a console application. Now it’s time to write interface which we can implement with structure. Following is a code for that.
using System;

namespace StructureWithMethodAndInterface
    interface IPrintable
        void Print();
Here you can see that I have simple interface IPrintable which has simple print method. Now let’s create a structure which implement this interface. Following is a code for that.
Friday, April 17, 2015

Structure with constructor in C#

Before some time , I have written basic introduction post about Structure in C#. In this blog post we are going to see how we can have constructor with Structure. As we all know structure is a value type so it stored on stack. So let’s create a structure like follow with constructor.
public struct Customer
    #region Fields

    public int CustomerId;
    public string FirstName;
    public string LastName;


    #region Constructor

    public Customer(int customerId, string firstName, string lastName)
        CustomerId = customerId;
        FirstName = firstName;
        LastName = lastName;

Here you can see I have created Stucture with parameter. As we all know structure is a value type so when initialize the it at that time we need to give values to its elements so that’s why default constructor without parameter is not supported in C#.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Structure in c#

In this blog post we are going to learn about Structure Data structure in C#. In C# Structure is value type which stores on Stack. It is a composite value type that contain other types. You can also create object of structure like class. In C# structure can  contains fields, properties, constants, constructors, properties, Indexers, operators and even other structure types.

So enough theory. Let’s create a sample console application to learn about structure.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Entity Framework Code First and MySql on Azure

We have used Entity framework with SQL Servers mostly. In this blog post we are going to see how we can use Entity framework with MySql on Azure.

How to create MySql database on Azure:

On azure MySql is not maintained by Microsoft itself. It is provided their partner cleardb. So You need to search at Azure Market Place and then add it like below.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Best coding standards checklist for C# and ASP.NET

Before some time I have written a blog post about coding standard Why coding standards are important?. It was appreciated by lots of people and few people asked me whether do you have coding standard checklist or not? So Today, In this blog post I’m going to shared few link for coding standard checklist which I follow.

Aviva C# coding guidelines:

An awesome guideline for the C# 3.0,4.0 and 5.0. It’s very good and open sources. You can find that following link on code plex.


Do Factory do and don’ts for C#:

A great list of do and don’ts of C# coding standards that all we should follow.


Encodo C# Handbook:

It’s having so many coding standard and most of relevant to naming conventions and formatting. You can download that via following link.


Microsoft All one code framework:

I have been using this for a while. It’s an awesome library which display best practices how we can write code.


There are lots others are also available but I think it’s if you follow and practice above mentioned resources your code will be perfect.

Entity Framework Internals: Connection Resiliency

When you use cloud services to deploy your application and database it might be possible that transient connection will be a problem between database server and web servers. When you use on premise servers that uses the database server and web server on same data centre. When you use cloud there will be huge infrastructures and you never know where it is deployed even if it deployed on same data centre there will more connection like network load balancers etc. When you use cloud services that will be shared by lots of users which means its responsiveness can be affected by them. And your access to the database might be subject to throttling. Throttling means the database service throws exceptions when you try to access it more frequently than is allowed in your Service Level Agreement (SLA).

So in cloud service there will be transient problems which will be resolved in short period of time. So when you got such kind of errors then you can wait for some time and then you have retry. For that kind of operation Entity Framework provides connection resiliency feature.

The connection resiliency features must be configured for proper database services. It has to know which exceptions are likely to be transient problem and which exceptions are caused by our code. It has to wait for an appropriate amount of time between retries of failed operation. Also it has to try number of times before giving up.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Quick Tip–How to get time difference in C#

Recently, One of the reader of this asked me about, how we can get time difference between two dates or two times? So I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post about that. So that other use can also get benefit from that.

For that I have created sample console application like below.
using System;

namespace TimeDifferenceCSharp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime firstDate = DateTime.Parse("12:50");
            DateTime secondDate = DateTime.Parse("10:40");

            TimeSpan difference = TimeSpan.Parse(firstDate.Subtract(secondDate).ToString());

In above example, If you see it carefully I have taken two dates with different time. Then I have used subtract method DateTime class to find different of both and then I parse it to TimeSpan class. After that I have printed hours and minutes for  via Console.Writeline method.

Now let’s run this application. You will see output as following.


That’s it.Hope you like it.

You can find complete source code of this blog post at github on- https://github.com/dotnetjalps/TimeDifferenceInCSharp

Quick tip- How to change menu bar letter style in visual studio 2013 and 2015

When Microsoft has introduced, Visual Studio 2012 with Upper case menu, There were so many reactions from the developers. So with Visual Studio 2013 Microsoft has provided that settings to Turn of capital letters for menu. I have just came to know that accidentally. You can find that settings in Tools->Options-General settings.


Once you check it. Upper case will turn off like below.


That’s it. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Entity Framework Internals: Private setters and private constructors

I have been heavily learning Domain Driven Design recently and In that there is a concept called “Anemic Domain Model” which we used to use in our project. In simple terms Anemic Domain Models are those classes that do not have any behaviour with them and most of created with properties. You can use them as container for your data from database. While Domain driven design is all about behaviours. So we need to make our models incorporate behaviours also which is called  “Rich Domain models”.

One of step to convert your Anemic Domain Models to Rich Domain Models is to create parameterised constructors. For example an Employee must have FirstName and LastName. So instead of doing validation at the insertion time on UI we should not allow Employee to be created without FirstName and Lastname. The only way to do this to make this properties setters private and assign value of those properties via parameters constructors like below.
public class Employee
        public Employee(string firstName, string lastName)
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; private set; }
        public string LastName { get; private set; }
        public string Designation { get; set; }
Now, If you want to do DDD with any Object Relational Mappers there will be a problem as most of Object Relational Mappers create properties with public setters. Entity Framework is such a Object Relational mapper and I love to work with Entity Framework.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fluent Nhibernate : Create Table from Code(Class- CodeFirst)

Now days,  Convention over configured is more preferred and that’s why Fluent Nhibernate got more popularity Because with Fluent Nhibernate we don’t have to write and maintain mapping in xml. You can write classes to map your domain objects to your database tables. If you want to learn how we can do this with existing database and Fluent Nhibernate, I have also written a blog post about CRUD operation with Fluent Nhibernate and ASP.NET MVC . After writing this blog post I was getting a lots of emails about how we can create database from the Fluent Nhibernate as we can do same with Entity Framework Code First. So I thought it’s a good idea to write a blog post about it instead of writing individual emails.

How to create tables from class via Fluent Nhibernate:

To Demonstrate how we can create tables based mapping classes create we’re going to create a console application via adding new project like below.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Entity Framework Internals: Enum Support

In .NET world, We all are using Enums in our code. It’s makes our code more readable then using hardcoded numbers of strings. Entity Framework 5.0 or higher version has support for Enums. In this blog post we are going to see how we can use Enums with entity framework.

We are going to create a console application to see how it’s works. I’m going to create a console application for the same.


After creating a application I’ve added Entity framework via Nuget package.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Entity Framework internals :IEnumerable and IQueryable

Now days, Entity framework is one the most used ORM in .NET world. Still I can see lots of people confused with IQueryable and IEnumerable. If they dont' know what is difference between them then they are going to make mistakes .When you first look at it both looks same. But there are quite differences and If you don’t understands internals of it then it will impact your query performance also.

IEnumerable vs IQueryable:

Here is the basic difference between IEnumerable and IQueryable. When you write queries with IEnumerable it executes queries on Server and load data in memory and then filter data on client side. This will be a problem when you are fetching large amount of data. While IQueryable executes queries on server side with all filters and then load all data into memory.


Sound complex!. Let’s write a simple example to understand it better. I am going to create a simple table in database called student table.

Friday, March 13, 2015

NSubstitute Introduction and Why I like it

Recently I am heavily learning Test Driven Development and Domain Driven design. As you know With TDD you need to have a mocking libraries. So after doing on research on internet they are three libraries available in Microsoft.NET development world which are quite mature.

  1. Rhino Mocks
  2. NSubstitute
  3. Moq
I have gone through all of above three and then After doing research and I choose NSubstitute.

Why I Choose NSubstitute:

Following are the reasons why I have chosen NSubstitute.

  1. It is super easy to use. I don’t have to write very complex lamda expressions to mock objects.
  2. It works really fine with all framework of Test Driven Development
  3. As it is super easy to use you need to write very less code to mock objects.
  4. With other Visual Studio plugins like Resharper, Telerik Justcode its works perfectly and they are able to generate code for the same.
  5. It’s got fluent syntax and very easy to understand.
  6. It’s perfect for some one who is not mature enough for Test Driven Development.
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Shared project in Visual Studio 2015

Shared project is new feature that was added in Visual Studio 2013 update 2 but in visual studio 2015 it is coming by default. In this post we are going to learn about Shared Project and how it is different from class library.

Shared project in Visual Studio 2015:

Shared project is a new feature that is introduced with Visual Studio 2013 update 2 and it’s comes by default with Visual Studio 2015. So with shared project you can share your common code with any number of applications. You can use that in another project via adding project reference. So let’s see how we can use Shared project in multiple application.

To understand how Shared project works, I have create a blank solution like following.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why coding standards are important?

Yesterday, I had a discussion with friend about coding standard are important and why you need it?  So I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post about it. Followings are some reasons why coding standard are so important.

  • Readability:  coding standard will increase overall code readability means if you follow you coding standard defined other people also know that what you have written. They don’t need to debug the code to know what function this code will perform.
  • Code Style: Every programmer have different style of writing code. So if we don’t have coding standard then Programmer ‘A’ can write variable in camel casing while other  will prefer to use Pascal case. So different modules have different coding styles.Which makes code hard to understand.
  • Code Reviews: Code review is an important part of any software development. If you don’t have a coding standard defined then it will take more time to do code review.
  • Error handling/Exception handling : The another benefits of coding standard is standardized way of handling errors. If you don’t have coding standard defined then each programmer will handle errors in unique way that could create a problem of identification of a bug  in software development .
  • Maintenance: Large enterprise software's will have  long life span. So if there is any enhancement or maintenance work is required with the help of coding standard any people can understand code easily and easily do the some changes.
That’s it. Hope you like it. Stay tune for more!

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