Sunday, July 19, 2009

IIS 7.0 URL Rewrite Module 2.0 Beta Version is out now.

Url rewriting is an important feature that will enable application to be search engine friendly and make url more readable. IIS 7.0 comes with built in url rewriting module so you don’t need to write more code for url rewriting module. URL Rewriting module will do following for you.

  1. Replace the URLs generated by a web application in the response HTML with a more user friendly and search engine friendly equivalent
  2. Modify the links in the HTML markup generated by a web application behind a reverse proxy.
  3. Fix up the content of any HTTP response by using regular expression pattern matching

You can download IIS 7.0 URL Rewrite Module 2.0 Beta Version from the following.

It is containing following features.

  1. Rule base url rewriting Engine
  2. Regular Expression Pattern Matching.
  3. Wild card pattern matching.
  4. Global and Distributed rewrite rules.
  5. Access to server variable and http headers.
  6. Various Rule Actions
  7. String manipulation features.
  8. Support for IIS kernel mode and user mode output caching
  9. Failed Request Tracing Support
  10. Rule Templates
  11. UI for testing of regular expression and wildcard patterns
  12. UI for managing rewrite rules and rewrite maps
  13. GUI tool for importing of mod_rewrite rules

For more details about IIS 7.0 Url Rewriting modules visit following links.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Microsoft SilverLight 3.0 is out now-What’s new in Silverlight 3.0?

Microsoft Silvelight 2.0 has been great success for the Microsoft. There lots of rich user friendly animated application is designed with Microsoft Silvelight 2.0. Now with Microsoft has added some new features to Silverlight 3.0. It includes major media enhancement,allowing web applications to view on desktop, Graphic improvement for 3D Support, GPU Acceleration and H-264 Support etc. Following is new feature list for silvelight 3.0
  1. Live and on demand true HD Smooth streaming.
  2. More format Choice.
  3. True HD Playback.
  4. Extensible media format support
  5. Perceptive 3D Graphics
  6. Pixel shader effects.
  7. Bitmap Caching.
  8. Animation Effect.
  9. Enhance control skinning.
  10. Improve text rendering and font support.
  11. Search Engine Optimization
  12. Data Forms and Data Validation.
  13. Application library caching
  14. Binary Xml.
  15. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator import support
  16. Fully compatible with visual studio 2010.
There are many more features. To know more about him please visit following link.
If you have any question then you can ask here in silverlight community.
You can get started with silvelight 3.0 with following. Its will be great help and tools available on following link.

Partial Types, Class and Method in C#.NET 3.0/2.0

With C# 2.0 Microsoft has added partial keyword in C#. So what is partial keyword used for. Lets go through the partial keyword in greater detail.

First and foremost use of the partial keyword is the you can declare one class or method with more then one declaration and at the compilation time it will have one complete class.So now you can declare a class more then one file at the compile time it will be treated as one class.

For example this is one class

//first file Patial Class
public class partial PartialClass
   public void First()
     //First function
 Here is the another class
public class partial PartialClass
   public void Second()
      // Logic...
Now at the compile time it will be treat as single class like following.
public class PartialClass
   public void First()
      // Logic...
   public void Second()
      // Logic...
Same way you can use partial method it will treated as one method as compile time. Partial method will only available with C# 3.0. It will not be available to C# 2.0.

Practical Usage Of Partial Class:

There are lots of way where partial class is useful like many developer can work on same class via creating different files. There are lost of code generators available in market so you can extend the class functionality via marking them partial. Partial class can also be used for the manage code in separate files instead of creating large files. With C# 3.5 linq to sql designer uses this concept to split custom behaviors outside mapping class.

Friday, July 17, 2009

My blog post is in Microsft TechEd Online Editors Pick List

Microsoft TechEd online is a great community and always been best to learn new thing. I have been proud of associating my self with great community. It’s a great thing to get acknowledgement from community. Recently one of my blog post-Sending email through System.Net.Mail.Smtpmail in 3.5/2.0 got place in Microsoft Teched editors pick list. It all because of my blog readers thank you for having faith in me. It’s a great honor to have this post is a part of community. Thanks Again………


Here is the link for all blog of Microsoft Tech Ed Online..


Subsonic 3.0 is out now- Next Generation Object Relational Mapper

There lots of ORM(Object Relational Mapper) is available now like entity framework,nhibernate, linq, dlinq but i choose subsonic 3.0 for my next application which will be a question answer site for the following reason

  1. Now subsonic 3.0 is with linq support so you can write your lambda expression and linq queries along with the subsonic
  2. It comes with simple repository.
  3. Built in T4 Templates for 4.0
  4. Linq to subsonic.
  5. Subsonic 3.0 templates.
  6. Can handle thousand of queries at a times.
  7. Full support with 3.5 features.
  8. Ease of Use.
  9. Great support with mvc

And another great news is that Rob Conery is hired by the Microsoft and subsonic will official ORM for Applications.

You can download subsonic 3.0 from here.

Happy Coding..


Photoshop and CSS Tutorials.

I am creating a web template for my forthcoming question answer mvc site. I need a web 2.0 rich template for my site for that i have search on web and found some great photoshop and css links. Here is collection for that.

Photoshop link:

  1. First is the my link who created design for my blog. Its a great resource to learn Photoshop and create professional template. Thanks you for giving me the best template free of charge.
  3. A Great Resource for Photoshop design

CSS Link:

  1. One of the greatest tutorial i have seen for free.

Happy designing…

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sending email through System.Net.Mail.Smtpmail in 3.5/2.0

For any web application or website the sending email is a necessity for newsletter, invitation or reset password for everything we have to sent a mail to the people. So we need to see how we can send mail. In 1.1 we are sending emails with System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail which is now obsolete. Now in 2.0 or higher version there is a namespace called System.Net.Mail.Smtpmail in 3.5. With this namespace we can easily write a code to send mail within couple of minutes.

If you want to sent a mail first thing you need is smtpserver. Smtpserver is a server which will route and send mail to particular system. To use smtpserver we need to configure some settings in web.config following is the setting for the web.config.



       <smtp deliveryMethod="Network">

         <network host="stmp server address or ip"

           port="Smtp port" defaultCredentials="true"/>




Here you need to set the all the smtp configuration. This will be used by the smptclient by default. Here is the code for sending email in 3.5

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();

MailMessage message = new MailMessage();



   MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("[email protected]","Nameofsendingperson");

   message.From = fromAddress;//here you can set address

   message.To.Add("[email protected]");//here you can add multiple to

   message.Subject = "Feedback";//subject of email

   message.CC.Add("[email protected]");//ccing the same email to other email address

   message.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress("[email protected]"));//here you can add bcc address

   message.IsBodyHtml = false;//To determine email body is html or not

   message.Body =@"Plain or HTML Text";



catch (Exception ex)


   //throw exception here you can write code to handle exception here


So from above simple code you can add send email to anybody
Adding Attachment to the email:If you want to attach some thing in the code then you need to write following code.

message.Attachments.Add(New System.Net.Mail.Attachment(Filename));

Here file name will the physical path along with the file name. You can attach multiple files with the mail.

Sending email with Authentication: If you want to sent a email with authentication then you have to write following code.

System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient mailClient = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient();

     //This object stores the authentication values

     System.Net.NetworkCredential basicCrenntial = 
          new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");

     mailClient.Host = "Host";

     mailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;

     mailClient.Credentials = basicCrenntial;


Happy Coding…
Monday, July 13, 2009

Google SMS Channel –Subscribe my post via SMS

Mobile has been very useful device since its launched. Now days we can not live without mobile. Think if you have your own sms channel and you can send message to your subscribers about your thought your blogs. It seems like a dream but now dream comes true. Google has launched new sms channel through which you can sent any thing to your subscribers. Now you guys can have my blog post via sms. I have created my channel at Google sms channel. You just need to subscribe that channel that’s it. You will have all my updates of blog on your mobile.

Here is the link for subscribing my blog post.

Click this link and subscribe this channel and you will have all my blog updates on your mobile. Its free any one can create his/here channel. Go to and try create new channel link and that’s it you are having your own sms channel.


Sunday, July 12, 2009 –A new communication tool.

Google wave is a new communication and sharing tool coming this year. With wave people can do lots of this things in a single browser like communication,videos,map link sharing, rich formatted text etc.

You can have a group chat and any participant can reply anywhere in message. edit content and add participant at any point any time.

You can also do lots of things like created gadgets thanks to wave api available on is having key technologies like natural language processing, Real time conversation etc. Here is the some video for that.

Natural Language Processing:

Another one live collaborative editing.

If you want to play with wave google api then here is the link for that.

And here is the Google developer preview video.

Happy surfing…


Windows Live Writer 2009 Available for download now.

I am using windows live writer more then a year for blogging. Its a great tool to blog the things. There lots of inbuilt features are there. Like you can insert videos,Format HTML, Insert hyperlink, insert picture directly from the desktop etc.


A new version of window live writer is having all this functionality. As well as its having plug ins that can be very use full when you are professionally blogging the things. There lots of plug in available like twitter update,dig this and flicker

As well as all this you can directly insert videos from YouTube,soapbox etc.

Here is the link for the downloading the windows live writer.


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