Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year 2010- From the writer of DotNetJaps

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I wish happy new year 2010 to all my readers.I know that this blog has been quite from last 1 or 2 month but i was busy with professional end as well as my computer operation system was break so it was long process to get my all data back and having reinstalled all the software and other thing i need but i promise you that i will post all the new latest thing 4.0,Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Silver light and other latest Microsoft Technologies that I am going explore in this new year so you will going hear at least one post week from this blog.

Once again I am wishing you a very happy and phosphorus new year to all of you.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

C# 4.0-Dynamic Data Type, Difference between var and dynamic

C# 4.0 introduces a new keyword called 'Dynamic'. It can consume any object anything. Let's see some examples for that.
dynamic intExample = 1;

dynamic floatExample = 2.5;

dynamic stringExample = "DotNetJaps";
It will print out put on web page as following.


Now, you will have question what's new in that. It could be also done with var keyword . Yes, you can do same thing with var but dynamic keyword is slightly different then var keyword.

Diffrence between var and dynamic keyword:

var keyword will know the value assigned to it at compile time while dynamic keyword will resolve value assigned to it at run time. I know you guys don't believe me without example. So let's take example of string.
string s = "DotNetJaps-A Blog for,,VB.NET";
var varstring=s;
Now try to compile above code it will not compile and it gives a error that 'string' does not contain a definition for 'MethodDoesnotExist' and no extension method 'MethodDoesnotExist' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?'. So var keyword knows that what value or object or anything assigned to it. Now lets try to compile same code with dynamic example like following.
string s = "DotNetJaps-A Blog for,,VB.NET";
dynamic varstring=s;
This will compile. So it is the difference between dynamic and var keyword. With dynamic keyword anything assigned to it like property,objects operators anything that will be determined at compile time. It can be useful while we are doing programming with com,JavaScript which can have runtime properties.

Happy Programming...

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Simple Insert,Update,View and Delete with LINQ-To-SQL

Today one of my friend asked me about simple insert,update and delete example with LINQ-To-SQL but at that time i was not having any simple example which will show the power of LINQ-To-SQL Example. So i have decided to create one simple example with LINQ-To-SQL and also decide to blog about it. Let's create a simple example which is very simple and also show basic step to use LINQ-To-SQL. First i have created a simple table called which have 4 fields like ProductId,Name,Description and Price. Like following.


Here is the description for each fields
  1. ProductId- A id which uniquely identify each product.
  2. Name- Name of Product
  3. Description- A short description about product
  4. Price- Price of Product.
Now, Lets create a Linq-To-SQL and rename it as MyDataContent.dbml as following. For that Go to your project ->Right Click->Add New Item->Go to Data Template-> LINQ to SQL Classes like following.


Then open Database Explorer and drag and drop Product table on the newly generated LINQ-to-SQL Class like following.


Now our LINQ-SQL-Class is Ready. Now we will insert some data to our table and then first we will write code to get all product information from the database. I have created a function called GetProduct which will print all the product information on page with the help of Response.Write . Following is code for that.
public void GetProducts()
using (MyDataContentDataContext context = new MyDataContentDataContext())
var Products = from product in context.Products
orderby product.Name
select product;
foreach(Product p in Products)
Response.Write(string.Format("<B>Id</B>:{0}", p.ProductId.ToString()));
Response.Write(string.Format("<B>Name</B>:{0}", p.Name));
Response.Write(string.Format("<B>Description</B>:{0}", p.Description));
Response.Write(string.Format("<B>Price</B>:{0}", p.Price.ToString()));
Now Let's Create a function to Add Product. Following is code for function to add product.
public void AddProduct(Product product)
using (MyDataContentDataContext context = new MyDataContentDataContext())
In the above function i am passing a new object of product and passing that object to above function following is a code for that which create a new product via calling above function.
//Add New Product
Product product = new Product();
product.Name = "Product3";
product.Description="This is product 3 Description";
Now we have added the code to add product now lets create a function to update the current product information. Following is a code for that.
public void UpdateProduct(int productId, string name, string description, double price)
using (MyDataContentDataContext context = new MyDataContentDataContext())
Product currentProduct = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == productId);
currentProduct.Name = name;
currentProduct.Description = description;
currentProduct.Price = price;
With the help of above function you can update current product like following.
////Update Product
UpdateProduct(2,"New Product2","New Description for product",20);
Now we added the code for update product so now let's create a sample code to delete a specific product. Following is a code for that.
public void DeleteProduct(int productId)
using (MyDataContentDataContext context = new MyDataContentDataContext())
Product currentProduct = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == productId);
You can delete the product via passing product id as following.
//Delete product
So that's it. you can create insert,update,delete operation with the help of LINQ-To-SQL within some minutes without writing so much code for .net and queries for databases.

Happy Programming...

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Friday, November 20, 2009

ASP.NET 4.0 New Feature- RepeatLayout property for CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList Controls.

ASP.NET 4.0 having many many new features. One of them is the RepeatLayout property for the CheckBoxList and RadioButtonList controls. The property is useful when we need decide how this controls will be render as html when its load in browser .

Code Snippet

  1. <div>
  2. <asp:CheckBoxList ID="checkboxList" runat="server" RepeatLayout=UnorderedList>
  3. <asp:ListItem Text="Checkbox1" Value="1"></asp:ListItem>
  4. <asp:ListItem Text="Checkbox2" Value="2"></asp:ListItem>
  5. </asp:CheckBoxList>
  6. </div>

There are four options available there.

  1. Flow
  2. OrderedList
  3. Table
  4. UnorderedList

Flow: This option will render control with span tag. This option will be better when you need tables less html for your site.

OrderedList:This option will load contriol as orderedlist. It will load html with <ol> and <li> Tags.

Table:If you love table structure then this is the option for you it will load html with <table><tr> and <td> tags.

UnorderedList: This option will load control as UnorderedList. It will load with <ul> and <li> tags.

So this property will useful when you want to have more control over html rendering in your browser as per your requirement.

Happy Programming...

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

C# 4.0 New feature - Named Parameter

C# 4.0 has one new cool features which is the named parameter. Suppose you have so many parameter in function and when you call them its hard to remember the sequence of the code now with the named parameter you can have name of the parameter with value like Parameter:value and one another cool feature of the name parameter is the you don't need to pass the parameter in exact sequence. Let see the following example

Code Snippet

  1. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  2. {
  3. foreach (int i in Square( max:10,min:1))
  4. {
  5. Response.Write(i.ToString() + " ");
  6. }
  7. }

  8. public static IEnumerable<int> Square(int min, int max)
  9. {
  10. for (int i = min; i < max; i++)
  11. {
  12. yield return i*i;
  13. }
  14. }

In above example I am having a function called square with two parameter min and max and having a function which will return the square of the given range between min and max. See the for each loop carefully. I have named parameters and another thing you will notice that i have changed the sequence of parameter but still its working fine. So this is a very cool new feature from the C# 4.0.

Happy Programming...

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Visual Studio 2010- New Features Selected Text.

I am loving more and more visual studio 2010 for some of the cool things. One of the new feature i have found in visual studio 2010 is the selected text. In the earlier version of visual studio 2010 when we select tax then its not maintaining the highlighted code but with visual studio 2010 it is maintain the colored syntax. Isn't that cool?. We can still know that what we are selecting. Like following.


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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Yield statement in C#

Yield statement is one of most interesting statement in the C# 2.0. I have heard about lot of yield statement but today i have learned about yield statement. Yield statement can be used to return multiple object from a method while retaining its state. You can get item in sequence with help of yield.Let take a simple example to see the power or yield statement.

Let's create one example which will help you the understand how its works Let create a function will return the square each time this function is called.

Code Snippet

  1. public static IEnumerable<int> Square(int min, int max)
  2. {
  3. for (int i = min; i < max; i++)
  4. {
  5. yield return i*i;
  6. }
  7. }

Now each time this method is called it will return the square of current value within a given range and its also maintains the state between calls. Let create for each loop to call the the square function above.

Code Snippet

  1. foreach (int i in Square(1, 10))
  2. {
  3. Response.Write(i.ToString() + " ");
  4. }

And here will be the output in the browser.


So it will create IEnumerable without implementing any interface and lesser code.

Happy Programming..

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