Sunday, July 26, 2009

Extend your existing classes with extension method in 3.5

In 3.5 there is one good features called extension method now you can extend your functionality without modifying existing classes. Extension method allow developers to add own functionality to any existing classes. You don't need to create subclass or don't need to recompile existing classes and still you can extend that class with extension methods. Let's create an example to extend existing string classes to convert a simple string to bold html string.
public static class MyExtensions
public static string ConvertToBold(this string mystring)
System.Text.StringBuilder myBoldString =new System.Text.StringBuilder(string.Empty);
return myBoldString.ToString();  
So now our extension method is ready. Following the sample code to use this extension method.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string helloWorld = "Hello World";
While running application you can out like below.

What's new in sql server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server are one of the popular RDBMS(Relational Database Management System) all over world. Before some time Microsoft has launched the new version of SQL Server 2008. SQL Server 2008 provides the highest levels of security, reliability, and scalability for your business-critical applications. . Following are the some of new features of SQL Server 2008.

  1. Policy based management.
  2. Performance Data Collection.
  3. Data compression.
  4. Resource Generator.
  5. Transparent Data Encryption.
  6. External Key Management/Extensible Key Management.
  7. Data Auditing.
  8. Hot-Add CPU and Hot-Add Memory.
  9. Streamlined Installation.
  10. Server Group Management.
  11. Upgrade Advisor.
  12. Partition aligned indexed views.
  13. Backup Compression.
  14. Extended Events.
  15. Grouping Set.
  16. Merge Operator.
  17. Greater Support for LINQ and Entity Framework.
  18. Change Data Capture.
  19. Table Valued Parameters.
  20. Entity data model for entity framework.
  21. Synchronization Server with ADO.NET.
  22. CLR Improvements.
  23. Conflict detection between peer to peer Replication
  24. Service Broker Priorities and Diagnostics.
  25. Spatial Data with Geography and Geometry data types.
  26. Virtual Earth Integration.
  27. Sparse Column.
  28. Filtered Indexes.
  29. Integrated full text search.
  30. File stream data.
  31. Large user defined types.
  32. Large user defined aggregates.
  33. Date/Time Data Types.
  34. Improved XML Support.
  35. ORDPATH.

and many more features are there. It's great rdbms to use in your future projects. Please visit following link to explore above features in great details.

You can download SQL server 2008 Express database for free from following link.


How to remove white spaces between tags and lines of html render by page

When page loaded in to browser there are lots of white spaces between tags and in tags that will increase your html kb. For example if your page around 300 kb then it will take 3 second to load on 100 kbps internet connection and in dial up connection it will still take time. So if you want to load your site fast on dial up internet connection then you need to decrease html kb as much you can and removing white spaces from the html will be good idea for that.

Following is the code for the page on which you want to remove white spaces from the html. It will decrease your html kb by 30 percentage.

private static readonly Regex REGEX_FOR_TAGS = new Regex(@">s+<", RegexOptions.Compiled);

private static readonly Regex REGEX_FOR_BREAKS = new Regex(@">[\s]*<",
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
using (HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter()))
string htmlkb = writer.InnerWriter.ToString();
htmlkb = REGEX_FOR_TAGS.Replace(htmlkb, "> <");
htmlkb= REGEX_FOR_BREAKS .Replace(htmlkb, "><");

Here in the above code there are two regular expression one for white space in tag and another for whitespace between tag and by just overriding the render event of event you can replace the whitespace.

Happy Coding...

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sending mail with secure service layer in 3.5/2.0

In earlier post i have mentioned that how to send the email using new System.Net.Smtpmail with 2.0 or higher version. Now lets learn how to send the mail with the secure service layer in the

Security is the one of the most important requirement in today’s world as you are doing your business online you have keep secure from other wrong elements. Secure service layer add an

extra layer of security to your web application and sending mail with the SSL with tighten your security for mails. Your emails are more secure then ever and your valuable information will not going to wrong hands.

Here is the code from which we can send the email with the secure service layer. As i have mentioned in earlier post you need to to send email with authentication to use SSL. So you need to write following code. First you need to create message like following..

MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("[email protected]","Nameofsendingperson");
message.From = @”fromAddress”;//here you can set address
message.To.Add("mailto:[email protected]%22%29;//");//
message.Subject = "Sending email with ssl";
message.CC.Add("[email protected]");//ccing the same email to other email address
message.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress("[email protected]"));//here you can add bcc address
message.IsBodyHtml = true;//To determine email body is html or not
message.Body =@"Plain or HTML Text";
Then you have to sent message with following code.
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient mailClient =
 new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("your smptp","ssl port");
//This object stores the authentication values
System.Net.NetworkCredential basicCrenntial = 
new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
mailClient.Host = "Host";
mailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
mailClient.Credentials = basicCrenntial;
// You have to add one other properties for SSL
Friday, July 24, 2009

Client Id of a control in ASP.NET 4.0.

Client Id is used to store the id of a server control in client side. ASP.NET Engine creates a very long client id to unique identify each element on the same page. If you are having so many inner controls hierarchy then will generate very long client id like “ctl00_Ctl001_ctl02_BM_Login_btnSave” here i i have used control name like ctrl00,ctr001,bm etc. If you are having long control name then it will more longer then this. This will increase html kilobytes for the pages and if you are having so many server controls in the page then it will take time to load in browser and will decrease performance of application . To overcome this problem we have to override existing controls like textbox,label etc and then you have override client id from server side with server side id. Now with 4.0 you can control client id generated by .net framework. In 4.0 there is one another property called ClientIdMode which will control the behavior of client id generated by .net framework. Like following.

<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" ClientIDMode="[Mode]" />

There are four types of different mode for ClientIdMode property.

  1. Legacy- This is the same as in old version. It will generate client like like “ctl00_Ctl001_ctl02_BM_Login_btnSave” in old fashion.

  2. Inherit-This is the default mode for every control . It will refer parent control to have its clientidmode. If you want to change it then you have to specify your client id mode for that control.

  3. Static –This mode will put client id as static if you set server id like “btnSave” then it will generate the same ld like “btnSave”. So if you want to use this mode then you have to make sure that you are having all unique name in one pages. Otherwise it will be a mess for ids.

  4. Predictable- This mode will used when the framework needs to ensure uniqueness of each control in particular way. The framework traverse from the control to parent controls and put hierarchy of parent control id with control id like ‘”ctrl0_btnsave” and for another btnsave its like “ctrl0_ctrl1_btnsave” etc.

  5. Technorati Tags: ,
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Javascript is not working with update panel- Microsoft Ajax

As an developer we all must have to use update panel for the ajaxifying our application in today’s ajax world. No one likes postaback now. But when we add the some content with the java script under update panel then some times it’s stop working because of the update panel server side behavior. So what we should do? … Here is the trick. Normally we code java script in the page like following…

string alertScript = "javascript:alert('Alter From page')";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page),"alertscript", alertScript);
Instead of this you should use.

string alertScript = "javascript: alert('This is aler from page')";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alertScript",
This will work. Happy coding..

Technorati Tags: ,,,,
Monday, July 20, 2009

Page.MetaDescription and Page.MetaKeywords in 4.0

As i have in my earlier post Search Engine optimization is necessary for every sites otherwise site will not have more users and viewers. For search engine meta tag are very important one Search engine crawler get information from this meta tags. There lots of meta tag but most important meta tag are keyword and description. From keyword meta tag search engine crawler get information about keyword for which they list this site page and from the description tag they will get descriptive information about particular page.

ASP.NET 4.0 introduces support for this. Now you can create your own meta tag keyword and description with the help of Page.MetaDescription and Page.MetaKeywords. It will render as same description and keyword meta tags in simple HTML Page. For example if you write following in your page_load event.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.MetaDescription = "This page contains information about 4.0";
Page.MetaKeywords = "ASP.NET 4.0,Search Engine Optimization";
It will render meta tag as following.
<meta name="description" content="This page contains information about 4.0" />

<meta name="keywords" content=" 4.0, Search Engine Optimization" />

So now with 4.0 you can do your site search engine optimization very easily and you don’t have to write code for that.

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