Friday, October 2, 2015

A Better Solution to create PDF with Rotativa and ASP.NET MVC

In most of the line of business application we need some kind of reports. Now days we need those reports as PDF format as it is the most convenient way of storing documents. I have written a post about creating a PDF in ASP.NET MVC with Razor PDF and it is one of the top visited page on my blog.

Creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC and RazorPDF

But now I have found a better way to create a PDF with ASP.NET MVC so I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post about it. So in this blog post we are going to learn about creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC with the use of Rotativa as open source framework for creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC.

What is Rotativa:

It is a framework created by Giorgio Bozio with the purpose of creating PDF in ASP.NET MVC extremely easy way. It is based on wkhtmltopdf tool to create PDF from html content rendered on browser. It uses the web kit engine which is used by Safari and Chrome browser to render html. And support most of HTML tags and styles. It is a open source command line tools so Giogio has created a nuget package to use this tool as PDF creator. You can find more information about Rotativa from the following links.

You can find source code of rotativa-

Now let's create example to demonstrate the power of Rotativa with ASP.NET MVC

Creating PDF with ASP.NET MVC and Rotativa:

So to create example, I have created a ASP.NET MVC application.


The first thing we need to do is to add Rotativa Nuget Package in our application.

Here is the model class I have used to demonstrate power or Rotativa.
namespace MvcPdf.Models
    public class Customer
        public int CustomerId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public string ProfileImage { get; set; }
In this example, we are not going to use any database so we are going to hardcode data in customer. so We have done is hardcode list of customer in controller and returning it to a view.
using MvcPdf.Models;
using Rotativa;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace MvcPdf.Controllers
    public class CustomerController : Controller
        private List<Customer> _customers;

        public CustomerController()
            var imagePath = "profile.jpg";
            _customers = new List<Customer>()
                new Customer {CustomerId = 1, FirstName = "Jalpesh",
                               LastName = "Vadgama", ProfileImage = imagePath},
                new Customer {CustomerId = 1, FirstName = "Vishal", 
                               LastName = "Vadgama", ProfileImage = imagePath}

        // GET: Customer
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View(_customers);

And in view we has displayed this list as table like following.
@model List<MvcPdf.Models.Customer>

    ViewBag.Title = "PDF Title";

<h2>Convert to  PDF</h2>

<table class="table">
        <td class="alert-success">First Name</td>
        <td class="alert-info">Last name</td>
        <td style="background-color: yellow;">Profile Image</td>
    @foreach (var item in Model)

            <td><img src="@Url.Content("~/content/" + Path.GetFileName(item.ProfileImage))" alt="" width="100" height="100" /></td>

@Html.ActionLink("Print", "Print", "Customer")
If you see in above code, I have used a image to display profile pic. I have also used different styles for td element in table to display power of Rotativa. Even I have used hardcoded style directly.  At bottom I have created  Html Action link to print this view as PDF and following is a code the printing this view as PDF in Action Result.
public ActionResult Print()
    return new ActionAsPdf("Index", _customers);
And when we run this application it looks like following.


Now when you click on Print it will create a PDF like following.


This was pretty basic demo but there are lots of options also available with Rotativa you can find that options in documentation on Github as well. I have shared same link above.
You can find source code of this sample application on github at following location -
Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!!

My Interview on Geek.Fest - What's new in C# 6

I have been featured on Geek.Fest a you channel by Fanie Reynders. I have lots of fun while talking about latest C# features. We had interesting discussion and demo of latest c# features. Following is a video on the you tube.

You can find blog from Fanie at following location.

Following is the sample code and demo for the discussion.

Thank you very much Fanie Reynders and Geek.Fest for featuring me.
Friday, September 18, 2015

Why it's the right time to learn TypeScript.

In Today's world, If you are an web developer and you don't know JavaScript then you will feel left behind. It's never been a good time to be a JavaScript developer than now. With the rise of Node.js  JavaScript is everywhere now. But as you know when Size and Complexity of your JavaScript is Increased it's very difficult to maintain and mange. That's where TypeScript comes into picture. It is a life saver some times. So in this blog post we will see Why It's the right time to learn TypeScript.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a free and open sourced programming language developed and Maintained by Microsoft. It works as a super set of JavaScript. As we all know that JavaScript is very liberal language by nature. So that we tend to make more mistakes and we does not know all the errors at run time. TypeScript is a strict super set of JavaScript so that you can get most of errors at compile time only.  As per official website of TypeScript it's a language that lets you write JavaScript in the way you really want to. TypeScript offers all the features that you need for Object oriented programming. You can find more information about TypeScript on it's official web site on below link.

ECMAScript and TypeScript:

ECMAScript is the specification standard of the JavaScript. So right not standard stable version if ECMAScript 5 and some of the browsers support ECMAScript 6. ECMAScript 6 features are being adopted by latest browsers.While TypeScript follows most of syntax of ECMAScript 6 so that you don't have a feel of the learning new language. As per official road map of Typescript 1.6 comes with ES6 Generator so you can convert your script code into ECMAScript6. Your can find more about that on following blog post.

TypeScript is everywhere:

As we know TypeScript is a fully Object Oriented language, It's provide great productivity boosts than JavaScript and it's super set of JavaScript so it will be compiled into JavaScript itself. So because of this lots of great framework started using TypeScript like following.
  1. Angular JS
  2. Iconic Framework for creating frond end mobile App
  3. Native Script from Telerik is also completely written TypeScript itself.
Take a example of AngularJs, It is one of the most popular JavaScript Framework on earth. With Angular.js 2.0 it will be fully written with TypeScript.


Most of Web Development editor whether it's paid or free are having TypeScript tooling.  Most popular editors like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, Atom, Sublime text and Eclipse are having great tooling for TypeScript.

Why to use TypeScript:

Followings are reason why we should use TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
  1. Fully Object Oriented support with classes and interfaces. So It's a great productivity boost for any developer and easily maintainable and understandable.
  2. It's provide most of the errors compile time while JavaScript is more liberal than this. So less run time error means less bugs for your application.
  3. Refactoring is very easy in TypeScript compare to JavaScript.
So it's never been late. It is the right time to learn TypeScript. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Which visual studio themes you use? Interesting Survey

I have been using Visual studio since 2003 version and it's been decade and still my favorite editor. With visual studio 2010 they have introduced blue theme and With Visual Studio 2012 they also introduced a black theme. Lots of people are using lots of different themes. Some people like black themes and some does not. I had always argument with my friends about visual studio themes. So I thought it will be a good idea to get survey about themes and so what I have done is to put a survey on my blog. As you know this blog is technical blog so most of my readers will be developers. So far I have got a interesting data so I thought it will be a good idea to write a blog post and share those data with you.

So till now I have got total 124 votes for my survey  and here is the result of the survey till now.


From, the above survey I get following fact.
  1. Lots of people like black themes out of 124 votes I got 49 for black themes. So black theme is most the popular one.
  2. To my surprise light theme comes second which I thought will be a third place but I got 39 votes for that.
This survey is still open for the five days. So if you are new to this blog and still not cast your votes then its right time to do.

Where I can get customize Color themes:

If you need more customized colour  themes than I request you to visit It got thousand of customized colour themes.

Visual Studio Theme editor extension:

If you need more option than this three themes and then you should also try visual studio color theme editor extension. It's available from visual studio 2010. Here is the links for different visual studio versions color theme editor extensions.

Visual Studio 2010:

Visual Studio 2012:

Visual Studio 2013:

Visual Studio 2015:

Once you install you will get lots of default color theme choice as well you can customize your theme and save it.


Which color theme I'm using:

Now it's time to write about my personal preferences. It totally depends on the lighting condition where I am using visual studio. If there a lots of light I prefer to use light theme while if it is dark then I like to have dark visual studio theme.

Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more. Still this survey is open for next five days. Please do vote for your favorite themes.

Update on 1st October 2015

Here is the latest update for the survey, the survey are closed now and here is the final result.

Here are the some statistics

Survey period : 1 Month
Total votes so far: 149
Winner : Black

Clearly Black themes are more popular!.

Thank you all who participated on survey!!. Keep reading my blog and participate in this kind of survey
Saturday, August 8, 2015

New milestone achieved- 2 million pages view for my blog -

Today, I have came to know that my blog has completed 2 million page views. I am not crazy about milestone and normally I don't share my milestones publicly but this is huge milestone so I'm sharing with you and there is another reason behind it. I want to say huge thank you to all my blog readers. Thank you from bottom of my heart.

I host my blog on So here is the statistics from blogger official statistics.


Till 2010, I have not started tracking page views, But after that I have started tracking page views for my blog and I am almost getting 59k page views every month and approx. 2.5 page views everyday.
Here are the top 10 blog post all time as per blogger statistics.


So once again, Thank you very much dear readers and I promise I continue to write blogs in my free time.

Also, last but not least I would like thank my family specially my wife who sacrifices her time some time as I am busy writing blog post for my blog post. So thank you dear wife!. My brother and father for continue providing all the support and my little rock star from where I get all energy to write blog post.
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Video - Custom Layout in Visual Studio 2015

Recently Microsoft has launched Visual Studio 2015 with loads of features. I have created a video for a feature called custom layouts in Visual Studio 2015. Followings are link for Youtube and Vimeo


If you  don't want to watch video then I have already written a blog post. Following is a link for that.

Custom Windows Layout in Visual studio 2015

Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Video - Difference between var and dynamic keyword C#

I have recently produced one video about difference between var and dynamic keyword. Please go through it and let me know how it was.

You can find complete video at following URL.

Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.

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