Sunday, July 12, 2009 –A new communication tool.

Google wave is a new communication and sharing tool coming this year. With wave people can do lots of this things in a single browser like communication,videos,map link sharing, rich formatted text etc.

You can have a group chat and any participant can reply anywhere in message. edit content and add participant at any point any time.

You can also do lots of things like created gadgets thanks to wave api available on is having key technologies like natural language processing, Real time conversation etc. Here is the some video for that.

Natural Language Processing:

Another one live collaborative editing.

If you want to play with wave google api then here is the link for that.

And here is the Google developer preview video.

Happy surfing…


Windows Live Writer 2009 Available for download now.

I am using windows live writer more then a year for blogging. Its a great tool to blog the things. There lots of inbuilt features are there. Like you can insert videos,Format HTML, Insert hyperlink, insert picture directly from the desktop etc.


A new version of window live writer is having all this functionality. As well as its having plug ins that can be very use full when you are professionally blogging the things. There lots of plug in available like twitter update,dig this and flicker

As well as all this you can directly insert videos from YouTube,soapbox etc.

Here is the link for the downloading the windows live writer.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

IIS 7.0-Search Engine Optimization toolkit-Microsoft

Before few days Microsoft has launched new Search Engine Optimization Toolkit which will increase search engine optimization for the site hosted by Microsoft IIS Servers. IIS search engine optimization toolkit will help web server administrators, hosting provider to improve their search engine optimization. It will controls the site content more search engine friendly. It has some of the following features.

- Improve search engine optimization by site analysis. Site analysis module contains lots of report which will help to improve your site for search engine optimization.

- It also control how search engine access and display your site pages and content with robot Exclusion modules

-It also has Sitemap and Sitemap Index features which will display user sitemap into simple user interface.

Following are some of link for more details about search engine optimization tool kit for IIS.

You can download Search Engine Optimization toolkit from here.

Cheers.. Happy Programming..


What’s new in 4.0 and .net Framework 4.0?

Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 beta version is out now. Let’s see the what’s new in 4.0 for the developer purpose. There are lots of features are there. Some of them are following.

1) Extensible Output Caching:

ASP.NET 4.0 adds an extensibility to output caching now you can create your cache provider and will can use this provider for the caching. So now you can use your own data source for you caching.

2) AutoStart Webapplication

Before 4.0 you have to use application_load or application_start event for the extensive data processing before application pages loads. But now you can use auto start features of 4.0. A new scalability feature named auto-start that directly addresses this scenario is available when ASP.NET 4.0 runs on IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2. The auto-start feature provides a controlled approach for starting up an application pool, initializing an ASP.NET application, and then accepting HTTP requests.

3) Permanently Redirecting a page

Before 4.0 you need to use response.redirect method to go to another page from new page. ASP.NET, developers have traditionally handled requests to old URLs by using by using the Response.Redirect method to forward a request to the new URL. However, the Redirect method issues an HTTP 302 Found (temporary redirect) response, which results in an extra HTTP round trip when users attempt to access the old URLs. Now permanent redirect will solve this. Its will also benefit for the Search Engine Optimization.

4) Compressed Session State:

ASP.NET 4.0 will have new option for session stored in sql server or in state service. You can compress your serialized session using GZip Compression

5) Page.Keywords and Page.Description Properties

In 4.0 now you can create dynamic keywords and description for a page using Page.Keywords and Page.Description Properties

6) Enabling View state for Individual Controls

In earlier version of the if you disable your parent control view state it will disable your child control view state but now with view state is not dependent on parent child control view state.

7) Routing in 4.0

Now you can have build in routing for your pages. You don’t have to write your url rewriting modules. It introduces a WebFormRouteHandler routing class which will take care of routing.

8) ClientID

In earlier version clientId is system generated and if you want to change you have to override it . ASP.NET by default generated a big string for the clientid which will increase your html kb. With you have small client id using different options Legacy,Static,Predictable,Inherit

There are several other features are also there like following

Live Data Binding

Observer pattern using JavaScript and JavaScript objects

ADONetServiceProxy Class

Formview Control Ehancements

Ajax Improvements in 4.0

I have just list some of the features you can have all the features available in 4.0 white paper from the following link.

Cheers… Happy Programming…

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Microsoft Bing –Search Engine by Microsoft

Microsoft on Thursday announced the new search engine bing. They are rebranding there search engine from live search to the bing search and will replace the live search in the future. It’s a good search product and beat some way to Google. Bing is not available to public yet bug we don't have wait too much. From June 1 some user will get the user will get the beta version. It is new version of the old project called kumo from the Microsoft.


Microsoft will introduce the new tools with the bing family of search like cash backs on search,price predictor etc. For more details visit the following links


DataSet Vs Datareader

Before some time a reader  vamsi asked me in my increase application performance post that why should i prefer data reader over dataset. Both data reader and dataset are usually use to fetch data from the database but both are having different mechanism for fetching data from database. First we looked into that and then we decide in which condition we need to use dataset and in which condition we need to use data reader.


Datareader fetch data one by one from the database. You can have one row(record)  at a time in datareader. Once you read next row with read method of the datareader the older record is destroyed from memory and new record will take place instead of it. You can do that only forward only and you can not modify the data. It also require a database connection to stayed open while fetching data. You can use CommandBehavior.CloseConnection property to close connection after data reader finish reading data from database.


You can call dataset a mini database in your memory. Dataset support disconnected architecture as once you fill dataset with data then no connection is required. A database can contain multiple tables also its supports relationship between them. You can insert,update and delete records from dataset and you can update them also in database.

Where i should use dataset over database?

When you are required to display only data then use datareader.Dataset will fetch data once a time. So if you are having millions of records then it will consume your server memory while datareader will have just one record at a time in database. And you need not to display millions of records at time.

Following are the link from which you can find which is best suited for your need.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My blogs posts are appearing on Microsoft TechEd

Its a great honor to be part of the Microsoft TechNet and TechEd community and i have found that my blog entries are also appearing on the TechNet sites. So thanks Microsoft and TechEd editors for considering my post in TechEd blogs.

Here is link for TechEd blogs.


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