Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Agile Software Development

Agile software development is a concept of a software engineering for quick software development. As a software development process is combination of many phases like requirement analysis and gathering, feasibility study, design,coding and testing and documentation. In agile software development We follow all the above things in agile development with each iteration. Software development prorities are build for each iteration in by team of develoeprs and customers.

For more details of agile developement. Please visit following link...



Automated Testing for ASP.NET- NUnit ASP

We all developing asp.net application using Microsoft.net and as a human being we all can't kept track of each and everything. We meant to have some error in our code. We call them bugs. Bugs can be removed via testing. Some time testing take more time then expected, so we have to use the automated testing tool to test your asp.net applications.

I have found a great automated testing framework for asp.net. It is a great thing which can do the test and find bugs.


NUnitASP is a tool for automatically testing ASP.NET web pages. It's an extension to NUnit, a tool for test-driven development in .NET.

Once you have an automated suite of tests, you'll never go back. It gives you incredible confidence in your code. That confidence allows you to code much faster, because you can make risky changes secure in the knowledge that your tests will catch any mistakes.

NUnitAsp is for unit testing ASP.NET code-behind only. It's meant for programmers, not QA teams, and it's not very good for QA-style acceptance tests. It only tests server-side logic. JavaScript and other client-side code is ignored. But if you're using ASP.NET, it's an essential part of your programmers' toolset.

Here is the URL from which you can download the framework.


Friday, February 15, 2008

XML for asp.net

I have found a great resources for developers who are using XML in asp.net frameworks. The site http://www.xmlforasp.net/ having all the thins that require to develop application using XML in asp.net. It has videos, code bank , .NET XML training all the stuff.


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