Friday, July 27, 2007

New Version of ASP.NET Site.

Microsoft team has redesigned the site. Few days back they have beta version of it. Today they have launched full version. It is a great redesign and contents are very much well organized with less images so it's load faster then old version.

do visit new site.

Understanding .NET Framework Architecture.

Lots of developers developing the application using framework. But most the of developer don't know the underlying architecture.

I have found a great article about .net framework which describes every aspect of .net framework architecture including objective of .net framework, Overview of .net framework,
Roll of .net framework,.NET Assembly, .Net CLR(Common Language Run time),JIT Compiler,
Future of .net framework etc.

It is a great article. Every .net developer must read it.

here is the link for that article.


Enumeration in C#.NET,VB.NET

Enumeration is a great user defined data type in C#.Net and VB.NET. It is very useful in code readability. It greatly increases the readability of code.

here is the example of the enumeration that contains the weekdays.

In C#.NET...

public enum weekdays

In VB.NET...

public enum weekdays
end enum
here is the code that we can use in VB.NET

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Diagnostics
Dim enumWeekday As weekdays
Dim i As Integer

Same way we can write in C#.NET

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;

Weekdays enumWeekDays;
int i;
enumWeekday=(Weekdays) i;

So you can see the it greatly increase readability also saves time to write code with switch case and if else

SQL Server Joins

Sql server joins are used to combine result data from two or more tables. Often we need to display data from two tables. Where sql server joins are very useful.

There are three types of sql server joins.

1) Inner Join
2) Outer Join
3) Cross Join

1. Inner Join:
Inner join will display data based on common columns of two tables. It will find
the data from both tables based on join condition.This join take every records of left table and looks in right table based on join conditions.

2. Outer Joins:

There are there types of outer joins.

2.1 Left Outer Join
2.2 Right Outer Join
2.3 Full Outer Join

2.1 Left Outer Join:

Left outer join will display all the rows from left table of join and display data from right table based on join condition. First it will display every row of left table and looks into the right table to display data based on join condition. If matching records are found then it will display data of right table with left table data otherwise put a null values instead of right table data.

2.2 Right Outer Join:

Right outer join will display all the rows from right table of join and display data from left table based on join condition. First It will display every row of right table and looks into the left table to display data based on join condition. If matching records are found then it will display data of left table with right table data otherwise put a null value instead of left table data.

2.3 Full Outer Join:

This joins are combination of both left outer join and right outer join. First it will put data like left outer join and it will put data like right outer join. If respective records are found in opposite table then it will display data otherwise it will display null values.

3 Cross Join:

Cross join is slightly different then full outer join. It does not have join condition it is not required in cross join. It will display data like Cartesian product of the tables. For example if table 1 have 3 rows and table 2 have 7 rows. Then it will display 21 rows from both tables.

First it will select first row of table 1 and first row of table 2
then it will select first row of table 1 and second row of table 2
then it will select first row of table 1 and third row of table 2

so on it will display data.
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Diffrenece Between Function and Procedure in SQL Server

Following are the main differences between sql server stored procedure and sql server user defined function.

Stored procedure does not return values but it returns a integer value indicates that stored procedure executed successfully. While user defined function in sql server must return a single value. You can not return more than one value in user defined function.

You can call user defined function in stored procedure while you can not call extended stored procedure in user defined function in sql server.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cool link for OOP in C#.NET


Advantages of inheritance in C#.NET,VB.NET

Following are some advantages of inheritance.

1. No need to write code from scratch. You can start coding with existing classes.
2. Through inheritance you can very easily convert small system into large systems
3. You can lots of classes with the same root but have different implementations of classes.
4. Code reusablity through inheritance increased.
5. Good at representing the objects
6. Inheritance provide a clear model structure which is easy to understand without much
7. code are easy to manage and divided into parent and child classes.

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