Thursday, July 12, 2007

Telerik Rad Controls 2007 Release Editor Bug

Telerik Rad Controls latest release Telerik Rad Controls Q1 2007 have bug in their editor controls. Whenever you try to load editor in your web browser they are giving the error:

the RadControl Folder not found.

I have searched a lot and found that one file content need to replace by the simple code.

goto the webapplication root of your webapplication then goto

replace it's content with


then it will work fine.

for more details here is link:

Microsoft Enterprise library 3.1 released.

Enterprise Library 3.1 – May 2007 is a new release of the Microsoft patterns & practices Enterprise Library. The Enterprise Library is a collection of application blocks. These are reusable software components designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges. This release of the Enterprise Library includes two new application blocks, a software factory for creating application blocks and providers, and other new features and enhancements.

Here are the application blocks that are given with Microsoft enterprise library 3.1

  1. Caching Application Block
  2. Cryptography Application Block
  3. Data Access Application Block
  4. Exception Handling Application Block
  5. Security Application Block
  6. Logging Application Blcok
  7. Validation Application Block
  8. Policy Injection Application Block
  9. Application Block Software Factory

Microsoft Enterprise library works with .net framework 2.0 and 3.0

For more details about Microsoft enterprise 3.1 and other release version of Microsoft enterprise library. Please visit following link

To download Microsoft enterprise library please visit following link:

System requirements for Microsoft enterprise library 3.1 is as following:

Microsoft .net framework 2.0 or 3.0 (some application block does not work with .net framework 2.0)

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development system (any of the following editions):

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Developers
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Testers
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite

To use the Application Block Software Factory and the Strong-Naming Guidance Package, you need the Guidance Automation Extensions (GAX). To modify these guidance packages, you also need the Guidance Automation Toolkit (GAT).


C#.NET Business Logic Layer Class example

//here is the example of business logica layer class

public class UserBll
#region Private Memebers
private DashBoardData.UserData _objUserData;
private DashBoardCollection.UserCollection _objUserCol;
#region Methods
public UserBll()
public UserBll(DashBoardCollection.UserCollection obj)
_objUserCol = obj;
#region Methods
public void Add()
_objUserData = new DashBoardData.UserData(this._objUserCol);
public void Update()
_objUserData = new DashBoardData.UserData(this._objUserCol);
public void Delete()
_objUserData = new DashBoardData.UserData(this._objUserCol);
public Boolean CheckUserLogin()
_objUserData = new DashBoardData.UserData(this._objUserCol);
return _objUserData.CheckUserLogin();

C#.NET 2.0 class example for data acess layer using microsoft enterpise library

here is the data layer class example.....

///here is the enum

public enum OprationType
Add = 1,
Update = 2,
Delete = 3

//here is the Interfae
public interface IDataStatndard
void Operation(OperationType enumOperationType);

//here is the user data class
public class UserData : IDataStatndard
#region PrivateMemeber
private DashBoardCollection.UserCollection _objUserCol;
private Database _db;
private string _commandName;
private DbCommand _dbCommand;
#region Constructors
public UserData()
public UserData(DashBoardCollection.UserCollection obj)
_objUserCol = obj;
#region Methods
public void Operation(OpertaionType enumOperationType)
switch (enumOperationType)
case OperationType.Add:
case OperationType.Update:
case OperationType.Delete:
private void Add()
private void Update()
private void Delete()
public bool CheckUserLogin()
_db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("SopraConnect");
_commandName = "usp_CheckUserLogin";
_dbCommand = _db.GetStoredProcCommand(_commandName);
_db.AddInParameter(_dbCommand, "username", DbType.String, this._objUserCol.UserName);
_db.AddInParameter(_dbCommand, "password", DbType.String, this._objUserCol.Password);
_db.AddOutParameter(_dbCommand, "isvalid", DbType.Byte, 1);
Byte isValid = Convert.ToByte( _db.GetParameterValue(_dbCommand, "isvalid"));
if (isValid == 1)
return true;
return false;
Monday, July 9, 2007

C#.NET 2.0 Generics Class collection

C#.NET 2.0 provide great features with generics collection. Now you don't have to write code for the coding for adding,removing objects. It all contains by the generics colleciton. here the sample user level class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class UserLevelCollection

#region Private Members
private int _intUserLevelID;
private Guid _guidUserLevelGUID;
private string _strDescription;
private int _intCreatedBy;
private DateTime _dtCreatedDate;
private int _intLastModifiedBy;
private DateTime _dtLastModifiedDate;
#region Public Properties
public int UserLevelId
get { return _intUserLevelID;}
set { _intUserLevelID = value; }
public Guid UserLevelGUID
get { return _guidUserLevelGUID; }
set {_guidUserLevelGUID=value; }
public string Description
get { return _strDescription;}
set { _strDescription = value; }
public int CreatedBy
get { return _intCreatedBy; }
set { _intCreatedBy = value; }
public DateTime CreatedDate
get { return _dtCreatedDate; }
set { _dtCreatedDate = value; }
public int LastModifiedBy
get { return _intLastModifiedBy; }
set { _intLastModifiedBy = value; }
public DateTime LastModifiedDate
get { return _dtLastModifiedDate;}
set { _dtLastModifiedDate = value; }

Friday, July 6, 2007

Except operator SQL Server 2005 -Find Duplicate values in multiple tables.

I have found a great way to find duplicate values with two tables in sql server. Suppose we have two tables t1 and t2 both have same fields like id,name.

And both table have following data.

T1 Data:
1 abc
2 xyz
3 pqr

T2 Data:
2 xyz

We need to find rows from table t1 which is not there in table t2.

Here is the simple way to do it.

select * from t1
select * from t2

Except operator return result by comparing two queries. It returns row of left query which are not in right query. So result for above queries will be as following

1 abc
3 pqr

The basic rules for combining the result sets of two queries that use EXCEPT are the following:
The number and the order of the columns must be the same in all queries.
The data types must be compatible.

How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

I have found a great link that will calculate your blogs worth? How much cost you should take when you sell your blog to other peoples.

Inspired by Tristan Louis's research into the value of each link to Web logs Inc,Dan Carlon's have created this little applet using Technorati's API which computes and displays your blog's worth using the same link to dollar ratio as the AOL-Webblogs Inc deal.

It is very good link you must visit at least once.

here is the link for that:

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