Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Creating Collections for Data Binding and Serialization

Collection are faster then the any datasource like dataset, data reader. So it must be used to bind control in application rather then other datasources. I have found very ineresting article series written by Thiru Thangarathinam which discusss how to create collection and how to bind it with controls.

here is the link:

Increase your windows forms application performance

With technology and windows forms 2.0 you can build great application. It provides great user interface component so you can develope very reach applications.

There are two aspects of application design and another one is performance. If any of this two is not perfect then your application may lead to a failure.

I have found one interesting link that discuss about this issues. It discuss all aspects realted to design and performance. It discuss about common performance-critical scenarios such as startup, control population, and control painting to boost your application performance and make it user responsive.

here is the link:

Search Engine Optimization tool

Search Engine marketing is one of the most important aspect of site popularity. We must have have to consider when we are developing a website. Today most of thing are find by the search engine so if you want to increase your popularity and visitor you must to search engine optimization.

Keyword is the most import in search engine optimization. You must put right keyword to increase your site popularity among search engine. I have found a link that help us in great way to create search engine keywords.

It contains many links to search engine tools and also help us to understand what is search engine optimization all about?

here is the link:

Writing Quality code.

As a developer we all write programing code to devleope applicaitons. But it is very important how you write them.
There are several method we have to follow when writing code.
I have found very inseresting link which discuss every section of code.

here is the link:
Friday, March 23, 2007

Brainbench ASP.NET Certification

Yester I have received brainbench certification
People can find my live transcript from following
Thursday, March 8, 2007

C#.NET Coding Industry Standards.

Lots of people are creating and devleoping the application using Microsoft.NET plateform but still don't know the right way to code it. Here is the link for .NET Coding Standards that a developer must following while developing application.

What is Blog & RSS

Lots of people don't know about blog and rss. I have found a great atricle in msdn which is explaining all aspects of the Blog and RSS.

Here is the link ...

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