Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Increase Performance in application

For every enterprise level application the key to make that application success is the responsiveness of application. ASP.NET also offers great deal of the features for developing web based enterprise application but some times due to avoiding best practice to write application the performance of application performance of application is not so fast as it should be. Here are the some use full suggestion to make your application super fast.

  1. Always set debug=”false” in web.config production environment.
  2. Always set trace=”false” in web.config production environment
  3. If you are using 2.0 or higher version then always use precompiled version of your code and also prefer web application project over website. If you are using website then always publish it and then upload that precompiled version of your site in production environment.
  4. Always compile your project in Release Mode before uploading application to production environment.
  5. Decrease your html kb as much as you can for that use tables less html using div’s and if possible then do not give big name to your control it will increase your html kb as uses client Id to differentiate all the controls. If you are creating custom controls then you can overwrite your clientid and uniqueId.
  6. Use cache api as much as possible it will decrease your server roundtrip and boost application performance. ASP.NET 2.0 or higher version provides functionality called sqlcachedependancy for your database caching. It will validate cache with your database operation like insert,update and delete and if not possible with it then use the file base caching.
  7. Remove blank spaces from your html it will increase your kb. You can use regular expression to remove white spaces. I will post the code for removing white spaces next posts.
  8. For 2.0 and higher version use master pages. It will increase your performance.
  9. Prefer database reader over dataset unless and until you have specific reason to use database.
  10. Use ADO.NET asynchronous calls for methods. 2.0 or higher version is supporting your performance. If you are using same procedure or command multiple time then use ADO.NET Prepare command it will increase your performance.
  11. Do IIS performance tuning as per your requirement.
  12. Disable view state for your controls if possible. If you are using 2.0 or higher version then use control state instead of view state. Store view state in session or database by overriding the default methods for storing view state.
  13. User Server.Transfer instead of response.redirect.
  14. Always use inproc session state if possible.
  15. Use Ajax for your application wisely. Lots of Ajax calls for a page will also decrease your performance.
  16. Measure your application performance with tools like redgate profiler,firebug and whyslovw from yahoo.
  17. User System.Text.StringBuilder for string concatenation its 4 times more faster then the normal strings.
  18. Right JavaScript in .Js files and place it as bottom of the application.
  19. Use Separate CSS files for styling of application.
  20. User database paging over normal paging while displaying huge amount of data.
  21. Call web service from java script instead of server side. Use asynchronous calls to call a web method from web service.

That’s it!!…..Happy Programming..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Microsoft Visutal Studio 2010 Beta Available for download now

We all .NET developers are waiting for the visual studio .NET 2010 for long time. Microsoft just have enabled download for all beta users. Following is the link for downloading the visual sutdio 2010.

From this link you will know all the things related to visual studio 2010.

Following are the some glimpse of the features of visual studion 2010.

  1. F# Support
  2. Java Script code compilation and debugging
  3. JQuery is included in visual studio 2010
  4. UML
  5. Better display of code in editor.
  6. Parrallel Programing facilities.

Implementing repository pattern with the entity model

There are lots of ways to implement repository pattern but with entity model you can create repository pattern within 10 to 15 minutes.

If you are creating mvc application then just right click->Model folder->Add->Net Item->select entity data model.

From database explorer right click and drag your tables to your database explorer. It will create a entity class. For example i have created a notes table for my sample and it will create a notes entity class in my entity data model.

After creating the entity class not its time to create a interface for repository pattern which will contain my all the operations related to notes entity.

Following is the interface which we will implement use for repository.

namespace DotNetJapsMVC.Models.Respository.Interface
interface INotesRepository
void CreateNotes(Notes notesToCreate);
void EditNotes(Notes notesToEdit);
void DeleteNotes(Notes notesToDelete);
Notes GetNotes(Guid noteId);
IEnumerable ListNotes();

Now we will create a class that will implement this repository interface. Here is the coding for that.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace DotNetJapsMVC.Models.Respository.Class
public class NotesRepository:Interface.INotesRepository
private DotNetJapsEntities _myEntities = new DotNetJapsEntities();

public void CreateNotes(Notes notesToCreate)

public void EditNotes(Notes notesToEdit)
var originalNotes = (from n in _myEntities.Notes
where n.NoteId == notesToEdit.NoteId
select n).FirstOrDefault();

_myEntities.ApplyPropertyChanges(originalNotes.EntityKey.EntitySetName, notesToEdit);


public void DeleteNotes(Notes notesToDelete)
var originalNotes = GetNotes(notesToDelete.NoteId);
_myEntities.DeleteObject(originalNotes );

public Notes GetNotes(Guid noteId)
return (from n in _myEntities.Notes
where n.NoteId == noteId
select n ).FirstOrDefault();

public IEnumerable ListNotes()
return _myEntities.Notes.ToList();


That's it we have created the repository classes and repository interface. You can use as following in your class or pages.

private  INotesRepository _repository;

public List LoadNotes()
 return _repository.ListNotes();

Advantage Of Repository Pattern:
  1. Make application loosely coupled so if you want to change the something then you don't need to change everything from scratch.
  2. With the repository pattern we can have nice abstraction which will separate our business logic as well as database logic.
  3. You can prevent dependency injection through the repository pattern.
Happy Programming
Friday, May 22, 2009

Which .NET Object Relational Mapper is fastest? In .NET Nhibernate,Linq 2 SQL,Entity Framework Or SubSonic, NHibernate

There are lots of ORM(Object Relational Mapper) tools are available for the Microsoft.NET like linq 2 sql, entity framework, nhibernate, subsonic and so many others. Developer often confuses which technlogy he should choose but i think a developer should deternmine his requiremnt first then he has check the pros and cons of every tool there .

I have used entity framework for my application as i like it most and its easy to use.
Following are some good article which will help you to choose right orm tool for your applications.

Happy Programming...
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Member of class - Object Oriented Programming

Definitions Of Object:
An object is combination and collection of data and code designed to emulate a physical abstract enmity.You can create number object of class. The properties, Variable and Methods define in class are called Members of class.

  1. Private Member Of Class: Private member of a class have strict access control Only the member function of same class can access this members.
  2. Protected Member of Class: A Protected member is accessible to member of its own calls and to any of the class member in a derived class.
  3. Public Member Of Class: A public member of class can be accessible from any where.
  4. Public and Private Static Member Of a Class: The static member of a class can be access without creating a object of class. While to access other member of class you have to create a object of class. The public static member can be accessed using access specifier while private static member can be accessed only the member functions.
Inheritance and Member Accessibility:
  1. A private member is accessible only to members of the class in which private member is declared. They cannot be inherited
  2. A private member of the base class can be accessed in the derived class through the member of the base class.
  3. A protected member is accessible by member of its own class and to any of the class member in a derived class.

Diffrent Type Of Inheritance- Object Oriented Programing

Following are different type of inheritance..
1) Single Inheritance:
Derivation of class from only one base class is called single inheritance.
2) Multiple Inheritance:
Derivation of class from several base class is called multiple inheritance.
3) Hierarchical Inheritance:
Derivation of several classes from a single class is called hierarchical inheritance.
4) Multilevel Inheritance:
Derivation of a class from another derived class is called multiple inheritance.
5) Hybrid Inheritance:
Derivation of a class involving more then one form of inheritance is called hybrid class.
6) Multi path Inheritance:
Derivation of a class from another derived classes which are derived from the same base class is called multi path inheritance.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Basic Concept Of Object Oriented Programming

Following are the basic concepts of object oriented programming.
1) Objects:
Object are the basic run time entities in the object oriented system. They may represent a person, a palace, a bank account, a table data or anything that a program can handle.
2) Classes:
A class encloses both the data and function that operate on the data into a single unit.
3) Data abstraction and Encapsulation:
The wrapping of data and function in a single unit is know as encapsulation. It is a mechanism that associate into the single unit and keeps them safe from external interference and misuse.
Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations.
4) Inheritance:
Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of objects of another class.
5) Polymorphism:
Polymorphism means ability to take more then one form. For example as operation may execute different behaviour in different conditions. The behaviour depends on type of data used in operations.
6) Dynamic Binding:
Binding refers to the linking of a procedure call to be executed in response to the call. Dynamic binding means that the code associated with a given procedure call is not know until the time of call at run time. Virtual functions are the best examples of dynamic binding.
7) Message Communications:
An object oriented program consists of a set of objects that communicate with each other. Object
communicate with one another by sending data receiving information much same way as people passes messages to one another. A message for an object is a request for the execution of a procedure and therefore will invoke function in the receiving object that generates desire results.
8) Extensibility:
It is a feature which allows the extension of the functionality of the existing software components.
9) Delegation:
It is a alternative to the class inheritance. Delegation is a way of making object composition as powerful as inheritance. In delegation two objects are invoked in handling a request, receiving object delegates operation to its delegate. This is analogues to the child class sending a request to the parent class.
10) Generaticity:
It is a technique for defining software components that have more then one interpretation depending on the typoe of parameters.

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